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I have just had the great satisfaction of cancelling my membership. Couldn't find a cancellation contact number on their website so phoned up the renewals hotline and spoke to a nice chirpy lady who told me that the person I needed to speak to is 'currently unavailable' (off with stress due to excessive workload?) so to email them instead.


Said email duly done which included a few choice words about what I think of them (in particular the nauseating back slap after the CSR which included some particulary nasty measures against the sick and disabled who are least able to fight back). I also said that I will be voting against AV in the upcoming referendum as I would like to see their party annihilated at the next election.


The only member of their front benchers that I have any modicum of respect for is Vince Cable, as at least he had the courage to admit that the cancellation of the Forgemasters loan was a 'mistake' and that it would have generated three pounds in revenue for every pound invested. However it doesn't look like any of his power-crazed Tory arse-licking colleagues are listening, and I really think he should cross the floor to become an Independent MP so there is a credible voice of reason on the opposition benches.

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If they get wiped out in next years local elections, it will be interesting to see whether the grass roots of the party are still behind the coalition.


In councils where they are the chief opposition to Labour, it's quite possible that their support will increase, not fall. The next lot of council elections are likely to have widely differing swings depending on which parties are the main protagonists in the area.

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Democracy booted out the idiots who ruined this countries economy, now it is left to those with more up their sleeves then bribing the under-classes with handouts to fix the problems.



And I suppose democracy allowed those that came third to have a seat at the table ……….. give it a rest. :roll:


Democracy actual said –


1. CON 36.1%

2. LAB 29.0%

3. LD 23.0%

4. Others 11.9%

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In councils where they are the chief opposition to Labour, it's quite possible that their support will increase, not fall. The next lot of council elections are likely to have widely differing swings depending on which parties are the main protagonists in the area.


What's your reasoning behind this, HeadingNorth?

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And I suppose democracy allowed those that came third to have a seat at the table ……….. give it a rest. :roll:


Democracy allows any grouping that can achieve more than half the votes, to run the country. That may be a coalition of individuals in the form of one party, or it may be a coalition of parties. It's never a single person with a single set of views.

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What's your reasoning behind this, HeadingNorth?


The people who wanted Labour out, and the Lib-Dems in their place, are presumably happy. Labour are out, the Lib-Dems are - at least partly - in, and many disastrous Labour policies are being reversed. Large chunks of the Lib-Dem manifesto have been included in the Queen's Speech; for the first time in about eighty years, they are actually in power and getting to implement some of their policies.

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Admit it ruby. I've had to. At least he'll be able to find a suitable tax haven for his 30 pieces of silver.
Admit what? I don't have any axe to grind about the coalition. Provided they kept Labour out of power, I'd have agreed to almost anything.


I really don't see that there was any alternative? If they'd allowed the Conservatives to form a minority Goverment, it wouldn't have lasted very long, and then we would have faced the unthinkable that Labour might have got back in again. If you read the shortsighted ramblings of some members on this forum, they don't seem to be able to grasp the fact that their beloved Labour party is the kiss of death to the country. They would vote for them again tomorrow in spite of all the evidence that they're an unmitigated disaster.


You can't depend on the Greens, if you go by the Sheffield experience, they seem to vote with Labour even on issues that they specifically campaign against when not in office. I'm not a member of any political party at the moment, but that's nothing to do with recent events. I closed the bank account that handled the membership fee, and I've done nothing about rejoining because I'm not sure that I want to ally myself with any particular party right now, so that I can say whatever I wish without being accused of being partisan :)

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In councils where they are the chief opposition to Labour, it's quite possible that their support will increase, not fall. The next lot of council elections are likely to have widely differing swings depending on which parties are the main protagonists in the area.


Maybe, but the polls are showing a collapse of the Lib Dem vote since the election.It may mean that the Toiies and Labour will be up against each other in a lot of the marginals.

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Democracy allows any grouping that can achieve more than half the votes, to run the country. That may be a coalition of individuals in the form of one party, or it may be a coalition of parties. It's never a single person with a single set of views.


Thanks for the lesson in democracy but my response was to the statement -


“Democracy booted out the idiots who ruined this countries economy”


When actually the public was undecided and it was Nick (the snake) Clegg that allowed a Tory party in that was unable to dislodge a Labour party that was on its knees.

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