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Let’s just clarify a few things:


Labour 2005 - 35.2%

Conservative 2010 - 36.1%


Lib Dem support did not drop at all, their number of seats dropped but their support saw a +1% swing.




The UK economy was handed to the labour party in 1997 with a 0.5% surplus. They turned that immediately into a deficit and kept borrowing all before the recession.


UK Deficit (12.5% rise)


1997 +0.5% GDP

2010 -12% GDP


Lets now compare that to some other countries:


Greece (0.3% rise)

1997 -9.6%

2010 -9.9%


France (3.1% rise)

1997 -4.9

2010 -8.0

Germany (2% rise)

1997 -3%

2010 -5%


Ireland (10% rise)

1997 - 1.7%

2010 -11.7%


So what does the above show? That the UK lurched from a strong economic stand point to one that jumped a whopping 12.5% into the red far outstripping out EU neighbours.


All of this brought about by the prudent chancellor who not only sunk the UK economy but before the recession sold off our gold reserves at rock bottom prices when gold was at an all-time low against advise from the Bank of England.


Gordon Brown, the only unelected PM of the UK who sold us down the river and then scuttled off back to Scotland to hide. Who tried to buy the 2010 election by refusing to publish the Labour parties plans on cutting the deficit. What an Idiot. He was the worst PM we could have had, give me Tony Blair any day over that bullyboy twerp any day.


For the benefit of those who like a bit of objectivity in these discussions here’s the full figures on a year on year basis.


An excellent bit of pulling out the bit that supports your politics best, care to tell us why you didn’t mention the levels before Labour came to power or the period just after this, or do you have an opinion on why the 5 years before Labour came to power showed a figure of -6.1%, whereas the following 5 years showed a positive figure.


I’m really interested to see how you can make political capital out of this latest nonsense you just posted.



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ooh and what a ridiculous title to the thread.:loopy:


Whether or not they are in Meltdown is difficult to say.


What is absolutely clear to everyone is that the cuts to Benefit claimants are very unpopular with a lot of Libdem supporters and there appears to be a growing rebellion against them from within MP's.


Personally I think Clegg needs to join the Party that attacks the poor now, and to let the Libdems go back to the decent party they have been in the past.

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a 0.5% surplus.


And that's after 10 years of the tories selling off all our industries/services.


the worst PM we could have had


Until the last election, when things got a whole lot worse for many in this country.

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Actually, in England democracy did exactly that.


Apart from the usual left-wing sink holes that blight the country (a few London boroughs, South Yorkshire and North East), the political map of England was a very, very blue one.


Labour's lifeline came in the form of the Scottish and Welsh votes, both of which would aote anti-Tory out of simple resentment irrespective of policies or common sense.


As the Scottish and Welsh have their own local governance, we should sling them out of Westminster without delay.


If you truly believe the tories won the election then good for you. In reality they had the advantage of 13 years of Labour being in, so the change factor, an unpopular PM, the media juggernaut, an ocean of cash and a professional PR man at the helm and still they crawled into the largest share position. That is neither a majority or a victory. Their vote was slightly higher than Labour's 2005 vote that was mocked by the opposition. Why such a limp in? Maybe the duck pond debacle reminded people the real Tory base consists of ridiculous country Squires who have nothing in common with normal people.

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For the benefit of those who like a bit of objectivity in these discussions here’s the full figures on a year on year basis.


An excellent bit of pulling out the bit that supports your politics best, care to tell us why you didn’t mention the levels before Labour came to power or the period just after this, or do you have an opinion on why the 5 years before Labour came to power showed a figure of -6.1%, whereas the following 5 years showed a positive figure.


I’m really interested to see how you can make political capital out of this latest nonsense you just posted.




From your own link '92-'96 saw an average deficit of -6.1% .. that's half the deficit we have currently and that was in the time of recession also.


The years after Labour came to power, they kept the UK in deficit the entire time, so Labour spent more then we could afford from day one until they lost power :roll: That is bad economics in anyone's eyes.

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You have little understanding of what democracy actually means. .


I have little understanding :hihi::hihi: perhaps you could tell us how you came to the conclusion that the 23% that voted Lib / Dem wanted a coalition with the Conservatives?


Its clear that senior members of the party aren’t happy with the current situation yet with the flick of a button you assume that “the government represents 59.1% of the populations will. ” , I am glad I didn’t have your maths teacher.

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... or your English teacher.


Let's be fair here, all parties put themselves up for government, not to sit at the end of the chamber with no power or influence for sixty years. The Lib Dems got into government and now have power and influence. Which part of that is tricky to comprehend?

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If you truly believe the tories won the election then good for you. In reality they had the advantage of 13 years of Labour being in, so the change factor, an unpopular PM, the media juggernaut, an ocean of cash and a professional PR man at the helm and still they crawled into the largest share position. That is neither a majority or a victory. Their vote was slightly higher than Labour's 2005 vote that was mocked by the opposition. Why such a limp in? Maybe the duck pond debacle reminded people the real Tory base consists of ridiculous country Squires who have nothing in common with normal people.


I know that and you know that but sadly too many people are wearing these –




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