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From your own link '92-'96 saw an average deficit of -6.1% .. that's half the deficit we have currently and that was in the time of recession also.


The years after Labour came to power, they kept the UK in deficit the entire time, so Labour spent more then we could afford from day one until they lost power :roll: That is bad economics in anyone's eyes.


Look I know you desperately want to justify your allegiance to the Tory party in these difficult times as they savagely attack the poor. But when you do it, I’m sure the influential people within that party would prefer it if you didn’t attack on arguments that show you in a worse light.


Just to re-iterate you posted selective information that made it look as if Labour had messed the economy up by going from a 0.5% surplus to a -12% deficit.


What you didn’t do is provide all of the information which paints a considerably different picture.


Data from the Daily Telegraph


Tory years 1992-1996 -6.1%


Labour 1997-2001 0.5

2002-2006 -3%

2007 -2.8




Average between 1997 and 2009 equals -2.43%


So on your own information, on your own post designed to criticise Labour the Tories score -6.1% and Labour -2.43%.


I have a sneaky suspicion you are starting to struggle with your conscience and your allegiance to the Tories is slipping away, if it is then just go with the flow and don’t be afraid you might have been wrong with your perceptions in the past.


If it isn’t then I politely suggest you keep to arguments that show the Tories in a positive light (not that many of those exist at the moment).

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Lib Dem Meltdown:http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://cdn0.sbnation.com/imported_assets/237146/haha_simpsons.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sbnation.com/users/-Sam/blog&usg=__McncV7ihK5pbTRhMRWhNeZYcf08=&h=358&w=478&sz=22&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=DMjz__4opOGk_M:&tbnh=151&tbnw=201&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dha%2Bha%2Bsimpsons%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D841%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=300&ei=B9PFTPbPOtCRjAeE1sS4BQ&oei=B9PFTPbPOtCRjAeE1sS4BQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=132&ty=94

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Look I know you desperately want to justify your allegiance to the Tory party in these difficult times as they savagely attack the poor. But when you do it, I’m sure the influential people within that party would prefer it if you didn’t attack on arguments that show you in a worse light.


Just to re-iterate you posted selective information that made it look as if Labour had messed the economy up by going from a 0.5% surplus to a -12% deficit.


What you didn’t do is provide all of the information which paints a considerably different picture.


Data from the Daily Telegraph


Tory years 1992-1996 -6.1%


Labour 1997-2001 0.5

2002-2006 -3%

2007 -2.8




Average between 1997 and 2009 equals -2.43%


So on your own information, on your own post designed to criticise Labour the Tories score -6.1% and Labour -2.43%.


I have a sneaky suspicion you are starting to struggle with your conscience and your allegiance to the Tories is slipping away, if it is then just go with the flow and don’t be afraid you might have been wrong with your perceptions in the past.


If it isn’t then I politely suggest you keep to arguments that show the Tories in a positive light (not that many of those exist at the moment).


I'm not desperate to do anything, in fact I have not commenced on current spending, I have only questioned your beloved, now dead thankfully, Labour Party. You are the one who finds it hard to question your chosen political masters, not I.


I have not also been selective. The labour party inherited an economy in surplus and by the end of their time in power they left the UK with the largest deficit in the G20 and the largest in the EU. Not only that, over the same period they have sunk the UK economy the furthest when compared to other EU nations.


You can bury your head in the sand as much as you like, but the rest of us can see the truth.


Oh by the way, what happened to the email you was sending to clarify your endless claims on the countries wealth.. You said you would report back, but I have seen no response to date, have you yet again failed to respond to the direct question and scuttled off to find another thread to spout your Labour Party fan fiction?

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I have little understanding :hihi::hihi: perhaps you could tell us how you came to the conclusion that the 23% that voted Lib / Dem wanted a coalition with the Conservatives?


Its clear that senior members of the party aren’t happy with the current situation yet with the flick of a button you assume that “the government represents 59.1% of the populations will. ” , I am glad I didn’t have your maths teacher.


Again you fail at the first hurdle. If you do not understand the dynamics of politics practiced in the UK and the world, I suggest you stop.


Political parties do not have one idea, view or position, they are made of all manner of people with differing degrees of political persuasion. If you vote for a party and not your local MP's views and ideas, you are completely missing the point.


None the less, a coalition is not a new thing and nor is it doomed to failure just because a bunch of political eunuch wishes for it as hard as they can.

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I have not also been selective. The labour party inherited an economy in surplus and by the end of their time in power they left the UK with the largest deficit in the G20 and the largest in the EU.


That really is only a partial story.


Pre crash debt as a proportion of GDP was lower the 1997 and had been reducing. Sure Labour can be held responsible for the crash, as much as every government in power in a G20 country can be. But then to pick on those in receipt of benefit at the bottom on society, or to hold them in any major way responsible for this mess is simply ideological.


If the Tories wish to slash the size of the state for ideological reasons then fair enough, they were elected and are in government, but then to pretend that it is for any other reason is simply dishonest.



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