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Star Trek V -The Final Frontier


"Why does God need a Starship?"




Even Q needs a place to sit, <REMOVED> and sleep...



On another note, that's my favourite trek... Just for the rendition of "Row row your boat", and because of it being a trek, it makes you think of the song in very different terms...


Merrily, merrily, life is but a dream!

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Not four years ago I ended up doing some sort of NVQ thing and was sat next to this lad, dunno what teacher said (but it was mathy, something to do with Moon landing), and he said to me "it's not true, they've never been to the Moon, how could they, they'd have to pass through heaven and that's impossible, only God can let you into heaven". I don't want to say it, but mmm, he was a Muslim (technically a nice lad, even though his cousin was the one who fled back to Somalia after shooting PC Beshenivsky). He said his Iman told him that it was US propaganda. And yes I just had to ask where hell was!!!


That's one of the most unexpected statements your likely to get on here :D

You would have only have had to have said he was a Somalian to me and that would have been enough, but that's the racist part of me coming out :P

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It's amazing how far we can see with the technology we have, the whole concept of the universe is just mind blowing.


I spent a great deal of time with the whole big bang, where did we come from question and the only conclusion i could come too was that it is not possible to create a something from nothing.


Nothing then becomes something cause it is defined as the absense of something. The only point it can even begin to make any form of sense is to accept that for existance to be, it can't, existance is flawed.


To exist and answer the age old question of what came before this and before that...is a simple answer with far reaching implications.


Existance cannot be, there is nothing in existance and existance never came to be, there is only nothingness percieved as existance.


It's something along the lines of, we shouldnt exist therefor we do, or don't! LOL!

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It's amazing how far we can see with the technology we have, the whole concept of the universe is just mind blowing.


I spent a great deal of time with the whole big bang, where did we come from question and the only conclusion i could come too was that it is not possible to create a something from nothing.


Nothing then becomes something cause it is defined as the absense of something. The only point it can even begin to make any form of sense is to accept that for existance to be, it can't, existance is flawed.


To exist and answer the age old question of what came before this and before that...is a simple answer with far reaching implications.


Existance cannot be, there is nothing in existance and existance never came to be, there is only nothingness percieved as existance.


It's something along the lines of, we shouldnt exist therefor we do, or don't! LOL!

I like to imagine the day we find the answer to everything time will freeze and a sign will pop up in the sky saying well done. ;)

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I spent a great deal of time with the whole big bang, where did we come from question and the only conclusion i could come too was that it is not possible to create a something from nothing.



The fact that something exists is proof that your conclusion is false.


There are only three possibilities:


1> Nothing exists.

2> Something exists, which came into existence from nothing.

3> Something exists which has always existed for inifinite time - in which case, nothing caused it, so it effectively came into existence from nothing.



Nobody's ever thought of a fourth. Various religious types have crowbarred a god into option (3), by saying "something exists, therefore it must have been created; the creator has existed for infinite time" ... but that's not improving on the original statement, but just making it more complicated than it needs to be.

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That's one of the most unexpected statements your likely to get on here :D

You would have only have had to have said he was a Somalian to me and that would have been enough, but that's the racist part of me coming out :P


No, he was a very nice lad, had manners, was polite. In my opinion, his only real downside was the fact that he was religious (which allows people to stop at the first answer, whether it's right or wrong, makes sense or not).


But yes, i've never met a nice Somalian at a bus stop! (Not a racist comment, just an observation)

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