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Does SF Attract A Certain Kind of Person?

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the best way to notice is in the anti immigration / muslim threads, youll find loads of new posters (say currently oct 2010) popping up with like 1 or 2 posts and wading into the arguement, sometimes they even know other posters and ways they speak and what they believe in


I did have my suspicions on that. Also when the thread has failed the troll, another comes on with one line (2nd ID) and sets it off.

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Hey, I only joined yesterday, again... Lost my old email account (changed provider), but also not had to come here for oooh, prolly a year...



But, don't they mention this type of thing on Question Time, "I can assure this audience member is not a mark, even though this politician could not want for a better formed question", then the audience member states, "Well I am actually a fully paid member of the XYZ party"...

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yeah strangely the vast majority of em all come from one side of the fence too
I sometimes think that certain very lefty personas are all the same person, the same with a lot of the Muslim ones. Maybe they're all you, mel? Like that episode in am old Tony Hancock series when he was getting poison pen letters, and it turned out he was writing them to himself when he was asleep. Maybe we all contain multitudes? :o


I don't think it attracts a certain kind. I think it turns people in self defence. When I first joined and started commenting on things, certain people were really horrible and you soon learn to fight fire with fire. But then again, it also had many amusing threads and posters. Sometimes when someone resurrects a few very old threads from the earliest days, I read a comment and like it. Then I see it was one of mine and realise what a crabby, self-righteous, argumentative Meldrew I've turned into since then! Monkey see, monkey do! :hihi:

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I sometimes think that certain very lefty personas are all the same person, the same with a lot of the Muslim ones. Maybe they're all you, mel?



fraid not, all the time ive been online (since 2000) on various forums, i have ever only been me, if i cant say it under this name its not worth saying

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fraid not, all the time ive been online (since 2000) on various forums, i have ever only been me, if i cant say it under this name its not worth saying



You'd never get away with it anyway..you're bound to slip up with "gets coat" at some point or other.:hihi:

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You'd never get away with it anyway..you're bound to slip up with "gets coat" at some point or other.:hihi:
And, actually, how would he ever find the time ... look at his post count just in one persona! :D


I'm beginning to wish the Admin would find time to do a cull of old posts, my own count is getting perilously high! ;)

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