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Whats happened to the Niche?


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It's shut down for good!






Yes. We're sorry to say that Niche Nightclub is no more, at least not as a physical building. Sheffield's longest standing underground dance music venue has closed it's doors for the final time. But fear not, Niche the brand will be back, have no fear about that! Watch this space!

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because everyone keeps getting stabbed that goes there i would have thought



Niche has been closed for over a month due to the membership scheme inflicted by police and council making it impossible to open a club so im told even thou it cost £30 grand to apply and set it all up , but there was a murder outside DQ 2 week ago but that clubs still open and no membership scheme put on the owners, sheffield is full of thugs out for trouble , so you cant just blame the name of a club like niche its happening all over sheffield the murders / stabbings / beatings ect trouble is when will it stop !

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Went past the other day and the sign had been took down, have they relocated again ?

once read red robbos story on the conditions they in their wisdom ,as chair of sheffield licencing committee,had put on the niche ie memberships etc in my experience of other citys that has never worked and i knew it would ,as they also knew ,would make it commercially unviable to trade ,people make decisions on the night to go to certain venues so if they are not members then whats the point ,yes anotherhistorical music venue that also put sheffield on the music map driven out of town ,the city is dead at the weekends people go to other citys where they can enjoy their taste of music when i read sheffield is a safe city ,apart from the occasional murder ,rapes muggings,robberies it is safe as theres soon nobody to get hurt as everyone will be in another city enjoying themselves

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because everyone keeps getting stabbed that goes there i would have thought


i read police reports saying even thouh there was no trouble inside the fact is if it was shut there wouldnt be incidents outside sad excuse for bad policing i also read of the stabbing incident was the first one in 9 yrs so get your facts straight lolypop

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