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Hillsborough disaster, where were you?

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It's utterly disgraceful. I must admit I had heard of this. But I can't remember having had sight of the actual letter before, though perhaps I have. It is beyond words really. I hope this letter is produced as evidence.


I am particularly perturbed by the words, that it 'has been a disaster also for this club' as if the deaths do not affect the club but gate returns, staff morale, and the cost of ground maintenance do!


As for the FA, they are actually ultimately responsible for organising the event and I hope serious questions will be asked of the organisation as they are supposed to be accountable and should be held as such. The FA have a responsibility to fans and they should never have let Liverpool fans be allocated the Leppings Lane end and get the proverbial end of the stick a second year in succession. If SYP couldn't cope with a change of ends then the game should have been hosted elsewhere. But when have the FA been bothered about mere fans? I am hoping for an urgent major shake-up of the FA after this has all been analysed.


I believe that Liverpool FC had asked for the game to be played elsewhere as they weren't overly happy with the previous years experience.


Man U volunteered Old Trafford, it was turned down by the FA, when that happened they then requested that they be allocated Hillsborough's Kop end.


That request was also refused.


You are correct as to the attitude of the FA to supporters, I believe that we are considered something of an inconvenience in their ego stroking, money grabbing world.

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Not read through the thread but just a note to the moderators there has been strict rules put in place by the coroner re contempt of court especially regarding comments made on forums etc and the internet. The forum I moderate has decided to ban all content and discourage any posting. I have the details of the ruling but unfortunately can't seem to be able to post them on here

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Not read through the thread but just a note to the moderators there has been strict rules put in place by the coroner re contempt of court especially regarding comments made on forums etc and the internet. The forum I moderate has decided to ban all content and discourage any posting. I have the details of the ruling but unfortunately can't seem to be able to post them on here


I believe it is in reference to those sitting on the jury, he wants them to be as neutral in opinion as possible, asking them not to read up about the disaster on the internet etc ....

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I believe it is in reference to those sitting on the jury, he wants them to be as neutral in opinion as possible, asking them not to read up about the disaster on the internet etc ....


Wish I knew how to post it but it also mentions accurate posting on the subject of the inquiry. Anyway it's up to the owner of the site an whether he wants to risk a contempt charge the owner of the site I mod has decided not to and we are vetting every post and deleting where necessary. Seen a couple on here that I would've deleted. He mentions that nothing should be posted by way of comment or otherwise in the media or social networking sites (which this is) that may prejudice the jury or the outcome of proceedings

Edited by darra
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Wish I knew how to post it but it also mentions accurate posting on the subject of the inquiry. Anyway it's up to the owner of the site an whether he wants to risk a contempt charge the owner of the site I mod has decided not to and we are vetting every post and deleting where necessary. Seen a couple on here that I would've deleted. He mentions that nothing should be posted by way of comment or otherwise in the media or social networking sites (which this is) that may prejudice the jury or the outcome of proceedings


Just cut and paste it or post the link.

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Isn't this a bit over the top?


First of all there is freedom of speech to take into consideration.


Secondly, this isn't exactly a low profile case is it?


It happened 25 years ago, everyone who was around at the time has an opinion.


There are still people who believe the lies supplied to the Sun newspaper by Irvine Patnick and the SYP, despite the fact that Kelvin Mackenzie the Sun editor apologised and admitted they had been misinformed.


Patnick himself apologised three months before his death for the 'part he played in adding to the pain and suffering of the victims families.'


With this amount of information and disinformation being in the public domain for such a period of time I fail to see the relevance of censoring public forum debates at this stage.


Obviously, you expect the coroner to instructed the jury to stay off of the subject in the media or internet forums and pay attention to what is being explained to them face to face in the inquiry, but other than that, I'm afraid that ship has sailed.

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