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Hillsborough disaster, where were you?

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I suppose that is, ultimately the bottom line on all of this, accidents happen, people make mistakes and sometimes such mistakes can lead to the death of innocent people. All can be understood and forgiven. But, if lies are told in order to cover up that is unforgiveable.


Let us hope that the evidence exonerates those who have had this hanging over them. Lets also hope that the bereaved can at last move on.


Thanks for your insights, many comment including me, who haven't actually fully and objectively studied the issues.


Thanks for those comments. In no way do I claim to be an expert on this subject but I have personal reasons for taking an interest.


As I stated in my first post in answer to the OP my mother died the following day and as a result I was in Northern General Hospital at the same time as the relatives and friends of some of the victims.


Additionally I used to visit Liverpool and stay over once a month for work purposes. This went on for over 16 years and I became friendly with a number of scousers.


One of them was at the match with five mates. Six traveled over only five went home.


Neil has always claimed that a steward saved their lives by stopping them when they entered, and directing them to the side rather than the tunnel they were heading for.


Unfortunately, when they arrived on the terrace one of their group spotted someone he knew in trouble in the central area.


Despite pleas from his mates he insisted on going to help and died in the attempt.


Liverpudlians have a bad reputation with some people, but my experience was that most of them were as kind hearted as most Sheffielders, and their sense of humour is second to none.


Anyone who judges the entire population of any city based on the actions of a few is a fool in my opinion, but then the world will sadly never be short of fools .


---------- Post added 10-04-2014 at 19:41 ----------


So does the video show that the over crowding started well before the start of the game, and it wasn't caused by fans arriving late?


Sorry I can't get the link to work. If you Google 'altered police notebooks hillsborough' the story is on the first page with a lot of other references.


Not sure it explains precisely what the 'editing' consisted of but obviously if it was carried out by the police it presumably was to slant it in their favour.


One of the stupidest things about this whole situation is that it shows that the police and politicians held a very low opinion of the public ability to reason and empathize with what took place.


Yes, it was a terrible tragedy, and incompetence by the police played a key part.

There were however extenuating circumstances which added to the situation.


The barriers stopping access to the pitch prevented easy escape from the crush.

Why were they there in the first place? Because a bunch of morons had caused problems in the past.


The design of the ground wasn't fit for purpose when crowds of that size were involved.

That had been pointed out previously by the police.


The police were slow to react when it became apparent that there was a problem.

One of the reasons for that was because they had been conditioned by past experience to look upon crowd trouble as self inflicted hooliganism.


And whilst the main reason for the situation getting to the point that it did was poor planning and loss of control by the police, people would surely have taken all of that into account.


The 'powers that be' however decided that the public couldn't be trusted with the truth.

So a coverup was instigated, which has now led to the biggest ever inquiry into police conduct in UK history.

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I was at home in Sheffield listening to it on the radio.

A few people have said they were settling down to watch the match etc but I don't recall the game ever being live on TV?

It is my understanding Grandstand cut to the ground when they realised something bad was happening but the actual game was never scheduled to be live.

Am I wrong?

Edited by azurro
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I worked at my local surgery and one of the doctors had bought a ticket for the match,which he was looking forward to,the following Monday I heard he'd spent all that afternoon and night tending the injured,and visiting the makeshift mortuary,he was drained and emotionally exhausted,but never spoke about the horrors he witnessed on that dreadful day.He later had to write a report about that day and i remember reading a bit of it on his desk,I didnt get very far, it was very graphic and I decided I wasnt going to intrude on the last minutes of so many peoples lives.

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I was at home in Sheffield listening to it on the radio.

A few people have said they were settling down to watch the match etc but I don't recall the game ever being live on TV?

It is my understanding Grandstand cut to the ground when they realised something bad was happening but the actual game was never scheduled to be live.

Am I wrong?


You are correct azurro, I was outside the ground at 1.30pm that day, I later went for a haircut and had just sat down to watch tv when it came on Grandstand that something was wrong.

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Very sad day which will stick with me forever, it affected all sections of football fans, especially Liverpools, Nottingham Forests and Sheffield Wednesdays, each with there own reasons.

Justice for the 96 forever !!!!!!!


96 died and the main fault lies with the hundreds of Liverpool fans who waited till the last minute to charge in to the ground knowing the police would open the gates to prevent a crush it was done on a regular basis on the last few minutes so drunks could get in before the kick off without paying . I have very little sympathy for the police but they cant win whatever they did also I had to take my daughter back to Liverpool that day you couldn't move on the woodhead for beercans on the road

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96 died and the main fault lies with the hundreds of Liverpool fans who waited till the last minute to charge in to the ground knowing the police would open the gates to prevent a crush it was done on a regular basis on the last few minutes so drunks could get in before the kick off without paying . I have very little sympathy for the police but they cant win whatever they did also I had to take my daughter back to Liverpool that day you couldn't move on the woodhead for beercans on the road


Did you not sea the video linked above where it showed the Leppings Lane entrance hopelessly crowded at around 14:30?

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In all honesty and with no small amount of sadness I really can't remember where I was or what I was doing, I remember footage on TV of the tragedy but thats about it.

My heart goes out to those who lost someone and hope if its possible they can find some sort of closure.

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