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Hillsborough disaster, where were you?

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I was in the Firth park club when my wife called and said that we had been asked to go to the NGH I was a porter at the time some other off duty staff also went in when we arrived the ambulances had just started to come in we worked until about 7 then we were stood down it was not a nice day and affected a lot of us a friend and me went to Anfield for the memorial and never thought we would get in with the size of the crowd but some Liverpool fans took us to the gates and they let us in after we met some of the family members and they were kindness itself.

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I had retired from SYP (thank goodness !) when it occurred, and on the day, my lady and I were working somewhere or other, but we visited a friend's house for supper that evening, and he and his other guests were watching replays of what happened on television. I was horrified, as I'm sure everyone else was, and I remember saying to those assembled, "This is one that South Yorkshire Police will not be able to get out of." How wrong was I ?. Black propaganda, invasion of privacy, bullying and blackmailing honest bobbies to change their statements, using local politicians to tell lies to the media, etc. etc. And then the sham of the inquests.


The usual ploy when in trouble is to delay and frustrate until such time as the incident has either become redundant owing to witnesses dying off or the public has become bored with the subject, and this terrible incident is a classic example. All the tactics of a corrupt force had been used to disguise and frustrate, aided and assisted by the media and governmental bureaucracy. When it is finally dealt with, all the main culprits will have passed away or be too aged to answer any charges, BUT dear readers, the main culprit was the force itself, for using the outrageous tactics it did to extricate itself from responsibility, and that will still exist.


Forget 'Booper's Tale' which claims in its blurb to tell about corruption in the force, but which fails miserably, those of you who were there and those of you who lost family and friends know how corrupt the force is, and for something as tragic and terrible as this avoidable disaster, South Yorkshire Police should never be forgiven. It should be broken down into sections of the surrounding forces, but not West Riding, because that is as bad.


Justice for the Hillsborough Victims.

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It was my brothers 9th Birthday and we were having a party and all enjoying ourselves at my nans house up wisewood, i don't recall much as i was only 7 years old but i remember my mum crying her eyes out and the atmosphere went from happy to upsetting and me, my brother and our cousins were just looking at each other wondering what had happened!


To this day my brother spends his birthday laying flowers at the memorial.

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I was drinking Tenant's Extra at the Plough in Hathersage.


Actually, I was stood outside admiring the clear blue sky, looking towards Stanage Edge and enjoying the early spring sunshine.


Moved onto other pubs before returning to my local. That shut at three back then so I walked down to the Ranmoor Inn. It was in there that I walked up to the TV to look at the football scores and the drama unfolding from Hillsborough was there for all to see.

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I was on the kop with Forest friends,id arrived late and didnt get in untill about 10 or 12 minutes past 3.

Most had mistaken events at the other end for a riot,and steadily began leaving,i hung around for 5 minutes,then left myself still unclear as to what was going on and why.

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I was on the kop with Forest friends,id arrived late and didnt get in untill about 10 or 12 minutes past 3.

Most had mistaken events at the other end for a riot,and steadily began leaving,i hung around for 5 minutes,then left myself still unclear as to what was going on and why.


Hi Staninoodle I was on moor looking for a new DVD with my brother, we looked in one shop and saw it happening, it did at first look like a riot. It very quickly became apparent that it wasn't and folk were in serious trouble, I know it was horrible but I wish people and media would pay as much respect to 11th May 1985 when 56 perished at Valley Parade.


It will be the 30th anniversary of that terrible tragedy next year, nor should we forget Heysel or Ibrox.

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