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Is this a Yorkshire saying


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I've never heard of that one :confused:

I've never even heard of apple pie having cheese on it??

i have heard of fruitcake and white cheese but not apple pie
I've never heard the saying before, but it makes perfect sense. Think of a ploughman's without the apple ... wouldn't be the same would it?


It's a Yorkshire thing definitely though having cheese with fruitcake or apple pie. When I lived in London, they thought I was bonkers!! I also like cheese sandwiches with blackcurrant jam or cranberry jelly. Yum! :D

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Is this a Yorkshire saying - Apple pie without the cheese, is like a kiss without the squeeze.

Personally I have never heard it and I am Yorkshire.


I have heard the expression, but didn't think that cheese with apple pie was that popular. However, a friend of ours (Canadian) likes it that way. On a recent visit to the U.S.A. he asked for this and got his pie with cheese melted over the top. I prefer custard.

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Don't know it my self but my wife says that when she was at school it was one of the rhymes they wrote in autograph books along with stuff like "If all the boys lived across the sea what a good swimmer (thingy) would be "..

She also says they used to have Cheese with Christmas cake, not on it just a slice with it..

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