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Is this a Yorkshire saying


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I was wondering if the cheese mentioned in the quote was actually cheese made from milk. You can buy jars of lemon cheese which is like lemon curd (apparently) and I'm sure that I once read that the word cheese used to be used in connection with foods other than the cheese we eat on crackers.


I've just read this on wikipedia - Cheese is a generic term for a diverse group of milk-based food products. Cheese is produced throughout the world in wide-ranging flavors, textures, and forms.

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Like someone said cake and cheese is a pit thing originally. My Grandad (both of them actually) used to take it to work in their 'snap', I did on the buildings.

I think cheese and apple go together. I can see the old sheepherder, sat on the hillside, watching his flock, cheese and apple and a bit of cottage loaf at hand.

But apple pie with cheese is a bit more sophisticated. Everybody talks of melting the cheese on the top of the pie. Why not try putting it inside and cooking it in there. A nice light cheese would do it I think, Marscaponi or Ricotta would do it.

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