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Arrogance in men.

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As technology and knowledge improves new objects are found in the sky on a regular basis. Is there another planet out there ? , I dont know, but its possible that there is. We have no proof at this time of intelligent life outside of this planet , statistical analysis indicates though that there will be. So while I can believe that there is , I cannot point to evidence , only extrapolate from research already done and posit a theory or belief from that.

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norks, is Cylcone your boyfriend? :P although pedantically he's more dogmatic than arrogant, I suppose.


It's a good thing that Herschel didn't take any notice of the nay-sayers otherwise we might never have known about Uranus ....


Sort of off topic, but I thought the presence of another planet in the solar system had actually been postulated by astronomers a few years ago?


Maybe it was this one? http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~mbrown/planetlila/

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So, what we've established in this thread is that sexism is considered fine, and justified, as long as its just against men. If only I was surprised. :rolleyes:


and thats coming from someone called norks think i might change my username to "dong" or "wang" :hihi:

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norks, is Cylcone your boyfriend? :P although pedantically he's more dogmatic than arrogant, I suppose.


It's a good thing that Herschel didn't take any notice of the nay-sayers otherwise we might never have known about Uranus ....


Sort of off topic, but I thought the presence of another planet in the solar system had actually been postulated by astronomers a few years ago?

It was, there could be any number of planets we don't know about out there. Theres also the small trouble that people can't decide whether Pluto is a planet or not, its status is changed now and again so there may not even be 9 planets let alone 10
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Is it bred into them?

Do they have secret lessons in school on how to berate women and think they have the knowledge to unlock all what is wrong with the world or are they just that stupid that they don't realise what idiots they really are?


These questions really bemuse me :huh:


What a ridiculous statement to make, you can't tar all men with the same brush. :o

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It might be a bit arrogant I suppose. If Im doing the pub quiz and I dont know the answer to the question, the lass might pipe up with an answer. However I`ll always need confirmation from a bloke before jotting said answer down. If however I dont know and the bloke says an answer, I wouldnt seek a second opinion, thats good enough for me.


Better to be safe than sorry really.

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It might be a bit arrogant I suppose. If Im doing the pub quiz and I dont know the answer to the question, the lass might pipe up with an answer. However I`ll always need confirmation from a bloke before jotting said answer down. If however I dont know and the bloke says an answer, I wouldnt seek a second opinion, thats good enough for me.


That's not arrogance, that's just sheer stupidity. The blind leading the blind. Unless it was sport, I'll give you that one, why would you need to do that? It's a given that girls are generally cleverer and more knowledgeable than boys ... but don't ask another bloke, just look at the exam results if you need confirmation. :hihi:


*poke, poke* :D

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