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What is so bad about squatting when a building has stood empty for years?

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We see what you did there. You just made up your own scenario to suit your agenda. "left to rot"? "housing a family"? You're living in a fantasy if that's all you have.


I never said all did I, but I've dealt with squatters on 6 occasions and the only children were working as prostitutes to fund their drug habit.


so in other words


im trying to look at it logically, and see that like everybody in life, squatters come in all types


you seem to be locked in the mindset of ive encountered 6 lots of squatters and all were prostitutes




i know for a fact that theres been families that have squatted, old people that have, middle class have. working class have, black, white, punk, not punk, students, none students, politicos, not politicos, people who open squats up for the benefit of the wider public (arts, music, learning etc) and yes yer druggie wino prossies etc

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At best it's stealing hard earned money from ordinary hard working people who have done absolutely nothing to deserve it and at worst it's child prostitution, drug addiction, destruction of neighbourhoods and the ancillary crime that feeds it all.


It's just plain wrong. Grow up. Stop encouraging others to be a blight on society. Get out of the dark ages and join the light.


I believe you are understating your case here. Isn't it also true that most squatters are actually satan's demons from the fiery pits of hell looking for souls to steal? They go out on the full moon looking for baibes to sacrifice in their abominable rituals. Adolph Hitler was a squatter. It was through the influence of his diabolical fellow sqautters that he drew up his evil plans for genocide and global enslavement. Another thing that not many people know is that sqautting causes hurricanes. So the people of New Orleans kniow who they've got to thank for that!

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I believe you are understating your case here. Isn't it also true that most squatters are actually satan's demons from the fiery pits of hell looking for souls to steal? They go out on the full moon looking for baibes to sacrifice in their abominable rituals. Adolph Hitler was a squatter. It was through the influence of his diabolical fellow sqautters that he drew up his evil plans for genocide and global enslavement. Another thing that not many people know is that sqautting causes hurricanes. So the people of New Orleans kniow who they've got to thank for that!


Do you also have overactive glands? Suggest you read '92.

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Of course they come in all types. But they are ALL a blight on innocent property owners. They are ALL breaking the law. They are ALL engaged in anti-social activity. They are ALL unwanted by most people.


why are they a blight? some squatters actually do the places up


well some say its breaking the law, some say its not (only if told by a court to leave and you refuse)


again why is it anti social? (if you need a house, its been almost derelict for years) and your no trouble to the neighbours (in fact some are actually a benefit to the neighbours and the wider community)


unwanted by most people? you mean people that A: dont understand b: dont care about the plight of people outside their cosy bubble

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in a small town round here theres shops that have been closed for a couple of years, theyve now covered em up with these pretty looking "virtual shop" pictures




pictures do not get the shops occupied nor do they stop the decay nor do they get any owners an income


if i (not antisocial in any respect) found myself kicked out of this house for whatever reason, with my family (missus, 2 kids) and COULDNT find anywhere else to live. decided to move into one of these shops. would i immediately become one of these drug addled anti social stealing evil prostitutes?

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What's any of that to do with squatting?


If you don't like it get off your rear and do something responsible that fills those shops.

its not my rear, if the owners dont want or cant


and i can get off my rear and put a roof over my head?

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Nothing but a £100k bill, court cases and solicitors letters.

ah so its all personal, spitting the dummy out


well its NOT all like that, for some people its the last and only resort left.........INNOCENT normally law abiding

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