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Arrgggghh don't you hate it when people call you love, when your not ?

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I've just read through this and it's probably because born and bred here, but it has never bothered me and to be honest don't notice it- it's just how we speak, I understand that the op was talking about it when it's used during an argument/debate, but even this maybe because I have always heard it and guilty of doing it myself doesn't offend or bother me in the slightist. I would much rather people speak to me using the terms 'love' or 'pet' than the iggnorance you experince down south!

If you ask someone for example the time here in the train/bus station you get something along the lines of 'yep love it's 10 o'clock'. Do that at a London bus/train station and they look at you as if you have just said 'hey love can i spit at your kids...please'

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It makes me shudder with anger. I hate being called love. Maybe it is a friendly term here I don't know. It rattles me and makes me feel talked down to. I mean whoever calls it me, it has the same response.


Poor you. Try and get a grip.

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are you from the south of england? if not, I'd give it a try love, we as lives up int' north, calls folk 'love' out of politeness and care tha knows, not meant to be patronising and more than any other word would, where I come from (salford) men call each other 'love' wi' aht a problem.


Contaxt of an argument or debate. How many times ???

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That’s not what the op meant.


I really like it when people call me love, for example ‘hiya love’ ‘are you alright love’ ‘have you got the time love’


I really don’t like it when people call me love for example ‘you cant effing sit there love’ or ‘look love you wouldn't understand it'.



Thankyou. Yes let me try get round you love and talk down to you because your daft love. I am glad someone gets the difference between affection and being patronising. :):):):)

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I am actually :hihi::hihi:, I think I may have explained not very clearly, I don't mind it in shops and on the bus and in friendly circumstances. I hate it when, how do I explain this, you are having a debate and the other person doesn't like what you are saying and then they pull that listen love, like let me reason with you and I will talk you round type thing, when you know you can't won't change your opinion. Does that make sense kind of. :huh:


It's not really being called love which annoys you it is when you feel you are being patronised. Is that it ?

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