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Alternative Christmas gift.

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Are your Christmas presents always the same...I know mine are....the usual bubble baths and underwear and stuff I don't really need and will never use.


This year I want



I was at school with Karen (we left in 1972)...and I have only just recently caught up with her again.


It's very strange...she doesn't sound like she used to at all. Karen now reminds me of her mum so much....Oh dear, does that mean I remind her of my mum :hihi:


Karen is to hippos what Steve Irwin was to crocodiles.


As the video says....there is a constant need for sponsorship and donations to keep the Trust going.


Karen started the Turgwe Hippo Trust in 1992...the same year I came to Sheffield. How differently our lives have turned out.


She is in a dangerous place dealing with wild animals and I am in Middlewood....come to think of it is it all that different :lol:


Joking aside...this year I don't want to be selfish about Christmas. This year I want to make a difference....and this year I want sponsorship of a hippo. Karen knows which one and why.


There is one called Kuchek (Persian for little one she used to tell me at school)....Karen had a Welsh Mountain Pony...12.2 hands, grey and fast...and he was called Kuchek. She rode it without bridle or saddle.....happy days.


Just thought I'd share....and if you are wanting to give something completely different this year....try a hippo :D

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I have a friend who was bought an Oxfam goat...and a years supply of hay for said animal. Although she is a Christian she wasn't happy as she already gives to Oxfam and them having her Christmas present as well didn't amuse her.


She does now laugh about it....I bet that goat made a lovely curry after the years hay ran out :hihi:

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My gorgeous niece has just turned 7 and asked for me to sponsor a tiger for her for her birthday (not like the standard request from a 7 year old, is it?). Her only provisos were that the tiger is a girl and that she's living truly wild because she doesn't want to support people who shut the tigers into a wildlife park or game reserve.


I was the proudest auntie around to find a truly deserving tiger (she's called Imogen and she's one of the approximately 300 wild Sumatran tigers left alive) and to give my niece's support to protecting her in her natural habitat.


One of my friends paid for a classroom to be built, fitted out with desks and chairs and a teacher to be trained for me for my 40th birthday earlier in the year. I was more than happy with that :)

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My gorgeous niece has just turned 7 and asked for me to sponsor a tiger for her for her birthday (not like the standard request from a 7 year old, is it?). Her only provisos were that the tiger is a girl and that she's living truly wild because she doesn't want to support people who shut the tigers into a wildlife park or game reserve.


I was the proudest auntie around to find a truly deserving tiger (she's called Imogen and she's one of the approximately 300 wild Sumatran tigers left alive) and to give my niece's support to protecting her in her natural habitat.


One of my friends paid for a classroom to be built, fitted out with desks and chairs and a teacher to be trained for me for my 40th birthday earlier in the year. I was more than happy with that :)


This is a brilliant present. I want a tiger too!:D

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  • 3 weeks later...
I adopted an orangutan for someone as a birthday present. Some people thought it was a bit weird but the receiver and I knew why I had done it and that was all that matters.



As for unusual Christmas presents. I've always thought an easter egg would suffice.


I got an orangutan last year for my birthday, are you a woman named Linda?:suspect:


Mine got released into the semi wild:).

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Her only provisos were that the tiger is a girl and that she's living truly wild because she doesn't want to support people who shut the tigers into a wildlife park or game reserve.


Did you explain that they are the people trying to save tigers in the wild ?

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