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Stephen Dawkings bites head off 'Stevie boy' Hawkings hamster at my house!

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As everybody knows... 'Stevie boy' Hawkings has gone green. He no longer uses electricity to power his wheelchair, his wheels are now powered by hamsters running around in circles in ther little hamster wheels with rubber treads on the outside. steering is controlled by complex lettuce serving servos.

'Stevie boy's' been round at my facility this afternoon, displaying his new green credentials over a nice Freetrade frappe (straws included) and a convivial, but almost 'de rigeur' slice of carrot cake.

Imagine our total surprise and consternation when who should burst through the door? ... Richard Dawkings! (aka... Darwin's rottweiller)

He was accompanied by a male aboriginee and Jedward (for some unexplainable reason)

Richie 'babe' explained that he'd been on 'walkabout' with the Aboriginee ('Sven',for purposes of anonynimty) to discover his genetic make up. Unfortunately this initiation ceremony seems to have involved rather a large amount of 'Foster's', ...far too many for the otherwise well mannered Mr Dawkins at the 'walkabout' hostelry in the centre of town!

Imagine my, (and 'Stevie boys') consternation when Richie plucked a hamster (front, offside wheel) out of it's little wheelchair wheel and promptly bit its head off!

This was accompanied by 'How's that for natural selection? ...Hic!' by the by now, definitely squiffy mr Dawkins. Stevie boy was well dischuffed and managed to raise an eyebrow to show his displeasure!

Thing is ... do I report the incident to the police, or the geeks who choose the Nobel peace prizey things? Failing that , do I just blame Jedward and use them as escape goats?:huh:

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