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Friday 19th November - Where could 2, 30 something old clubbers go out?

Simon Eskimo

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i'm reading about an appeal for witnesses in sheff star for a viscious attack at the nocturnal and my friend tells me there was a guy got his face slashed last month in the club so i wouldnt recommend that place unless you're very brave


its a shame about nocturnal as they have what would be some decent nights in there, but unfortunately in their efforts to get people in with cheap offers it attracts the wrong types. i've never had actual 'trouble' in there myself but dont like to go there personally as fed up of getting groped, followed round or pestered by blokes who wont take a hint - its as bad as kingdom and thats saying something! I would rather pay more to go to a decent night not to be bothered by beer boys and chavs and having to feel on edge. personally i like the plug - feel really at home in there, some great nights and a decent mix of ages. my fave club in sheff by a long way :)


know thats slightly off the original topic but my vote is with plug over nocturnal any day, because of the clientel as opposed to the music.

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I like nocturnal because its small and plays good music but now that you mention about the groping, it does trigger some bad memories. Plug is a bit touch and go for my liking and too big - i always liked UG at Zero and Scuba and i think the nocturnal is about the closest you can get to those nowadays although i don't go out that often anymore so i'm not that clued up...

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