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Local Fishing areas?


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I'm not sure where is fishing well because I've given up for the time been. As for free waters, I can't think of any off the top of my head, although I have fished waters a few years ago where no bailiff ever came around.


These were Rivilin dams and parts of the River Don and Hillsborough Pond but the fishing wasn't exactly great.



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I know you can fish at Damflask near Bradfield (Bus numbers 61/62 I know 100% go there - From Hillsborough interchange) but I think you have to buy a day ticket or something...


There is also Graves Park and a few others - also try this URL








Fishing is not my thing I'm afraid.


Hope this helps.

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Originally posted by darkstardust

I know you can fish at Damflask near Bradfield (Bus numbers 61/62 I know 100% go there - From Hillsborough interchange) but I think you have to buy a day ticket or something...


There is also Graves Park and a few others - also try this URL








Fishing is not my thing I'm afraid.


Hope this helps.


Yes, last time I fished Damflask was when they used to have trout season and you had to purchase a day ticket then. Damflask is excellent for pike at the bottleneck end but I was never too impressed with it for regular coarse fishing.

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Originally posted by Lickszz

By this statement I'm firmly under the impression that you don't eat fish. ;)


HO HO. I do, BUT:


Recreational fishing is as bad as fox hunting as in so much that it serves no other purpose than to give the fisher/hunter pleasure. There is no need to distress fish in this way, or kill them needlessly. If its for food it makes it slightly better, anything else is just pointless and cruel.

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Originally posted by t020

HO HO. I do, BUT:


Recreational fishing is as bad as fox hunting as in so much that it serves no other purpose than to give the fisher/hunter pleasure. There is no need to distress fish in this way, or kill them needlessly. If its for food it makes it slightly better, anything else is just pointless and cruel.


You see. If you had said you didn't eat fish then I could have understood your side of the debate. You can't have it both ways. Anglers have to put the fish back they are not allowed to kill them with a few exceptions of Salmon and Trout.


The fish doesn't know the difference.


With fishing for food the fish dies

With fishing for pleasure the fish lives to spawn another day.


Are you suggesting a complete ban on angling? Unlikely to happen it is the most participated sport in this country bar none.


btw. Do you have any suggestions for something more constructive?

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Putting a sharp hook into a fishes mouth, dragging it out of the water for a while (equivalent to someone forcing a humans head under water), and then tossing the fish back in, all in the name of pleasure, and you say the fish doesn't notice? I think it does. I just don't think its necessary at all to do this.

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Originally posted by t020

Putting a sharp hook into a fishes mouth, dragging it out of the water for a while (equivalent to someone forcing a humans head under water), and then tossing the fish back in, all in the name of pleasure, and you say the fish doesn't notice? I think it does. I just don't think its necessary at all to do this.


You misunderstood my point. I meant the fish doesn't notice the difference between been caught for pleasure or food. One way it lives another it dies. If you say it's acceptable to catch them for food then the next step is to allow anglers to kill any fish they catch and take them home? I think your exaggerating with regards to "tossing the fish back in" It's more a case of placing/putting. If you don't think it's necessary fine, your entitled to your opinions and I accept that. You decide whether you participate or not. Personally I would never be in the business of advocating force to stop others enjoying a extremely popular old past time because I didn't agree with it.

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