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Anyone Remember ?


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Anyone remember the following places:

Woolworth's on the Moor in the late 50's through to the 60's .......... cash collected from the tills, put in copper cannisters and transferred by a tube system. I was only a child at the time but remember well the toys my gran use to buy me......whip and top, popgun, dinkie cars, marbles etc.

There use to be a theatrical shop at the bottom of the Moor opposite where Yorkshire Bank is now - remember it ?

Moving on to the city centre - there use to be a little pub wedged inbetween Wigfalls and the Classic Cinema in Fitzalan Square - cant remember the name of that though, my gran having done her shopping in town would sometimes pop in for a glass of beer whilst I stood outside with a bag of crisps and a bottle of pop with a straw in.

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I remember walking through Woollies on my way home from school. Went to Springfield Infants and Juniors near the Glossop Road Baths and lived on Sydney Street around the corner from The Matilda Tavern.


Hello Lostinfrance,

I too went to Springfield infants and junior school during that time.

Can you remember the boys playground being on street level and the girls playground being above it................remember the silly dancing thing we had to do in navy blue shorts and black pumps, pretending we were trees blowing in the wind whilst some old croney played the piano ?

Then of course there was the playcentre which was after school hours where you could play snooker, draw, etc.

Still remember all these things as if it was yesterday !

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Hiya. Yep I remember that. There were two levels to the girls playground - first one was on the same as the first floor and had the weather cabinet in it. You could see through the wooden fencing down into the boys yard. The milk was kept next to the door and it tasted yucky when it was sunny. The upper level was up some stone steps from the lower one and you could see, just, into the infant school playground. Remember my first day at the infants - was terrified. They made us play this game with beanbags. My form teacher was Mr Lacey who taught us to read n rite and did the splits while he was writing on the blackboard.

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