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'Xian' - what's all that about then?

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Does Dawkins use Xmas and Xian? I doubt it because he's still a traditionalist who believes that a grounding in the stories of the Bible should still be taught in schools in order for us to maintain a cultural continuity and an understanding of our cultural history.


There's a lot of cultural references you won't understand if you don't have a basic grounding in the Bible stories.

The whole premise of your argument is flawed seeing as has already been pointed out numerous times by numerous people abbreviating Christ to X is really rather traditional

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The whole premise of your argument is flawed seeing as has already been pointed out numerous times by numerous people abbreviating Christ to X is really rather traditional



I don't have an argument. I have a question and I'll repeat it.


Does Dawkins use Xmas and Xian?

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I was meaning, rather than assume something is inferred in a statement, ask the OP; then accept their interpretation, rather than lay into people with wild accusations.


Seeing as we're on about linguistic stuff, you mean 'implied', not 'inferred'. One is transitive; the other intransitive. The two verbs do not mean the same thing.

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I don't have an argument. I have a question and I'll repeat it.


Does Dawkins use Xmas and Xian?

You did have an argument and that which was that Dawkins wouldn't use the X contraction "because he's still a traditionalist" which was as I pointed out a fatally flawed argument as the X contraction is itself traditional.


How are any of us supposed to know how Dawkins writes in informal situations anyway? Also why is what Dawkins does supposed to be of any relevance?

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I am not a Christian, but I do not like the contraction, even if it is the same as used in Xmas.

I think it is because when used by the Dawks it gives the impression they are being derogatory.


If you're not a Christian, why would it worry you? What about my extrapolation? I don't mean that to be offensive, just a description of what I believe organised religion to be.


Why should a widely used abbreviation be offensive?

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