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'Xian' - what's all that about then?

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I don't like Xmas or Xian as abbreviations. Xmas I have more tolerance for as it's seen much more often, but both provide tiny stumbling blocks to clear reading and there's a tendency to mentally pronounce them exmas and exian. They don't aid the free flow of readable text.


I also find that Xian looks Chinese at first glance.


Xian seems to be used most by pagans and atheists who appear to be belittling the religion. I'm not religious myself, but I don't see any point in little snipes at peoples faith. If you want to criticise a faith then do it properly!


So I always use Christian and Christmas - how much extra effort does it take?


(Apparently "the X in Xmas is a substitute crucifix for Christ" )

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I accept it is a commonly used abbreviation, it's just one I choose not to use as I personally feel it detracts from the word it substitutes and it's meaning, especially if one is unaware of the meaning of the substitution, as I think most people that use the abbreviation are, myself previous to this thread included.


I'm not offended by it. I just think if I'm to celebrate Christmas with my children, they're dam well going to know how to spell it and what it's about. Xmas is just lazy imo.






The use of the term "imo" is just lazy in my opinion.

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It's a habit that extends across so many other areas too Halibut. The use of abbreviations, contractions, ancient terms, deliberate mispelling and weak witticisms is often used in a pejorative sense. The author believes that it's amusing or pithy (e.g. ConDems, Liebore, StreetFarce, etc) but it just makes them come across as (as you say) childish, offensive and rather unimaginative when it's repeated long after the original wit has worn off.


I don't see politcial parties as on a par with religions established for hundreds of years. Do you think politicians deserve the same reverence as God, Christ, etc?


And as for being unimaginative.....how did it go?....'my old chap', 'my friend', 'duck'? I can't remember....

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Not on this forum. I've seen muslims and christians calmly espousing their faith, whilst the militant atheists scream down their posts by claiming christians are ignorant and mohammed was a paedophile. The militant atheists on here are a very poor representation of atheism.


militant atheists lol!:hihi:


Yup, it's just atheists who say things deliberately to insult and provoke.:rolleyes:


You lying hypocrite.

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Not on this forum. I've seen muslims and christians calmly espousing their faith, whilst the militant atheists scream down their posts by claiming christians are ignorant and mohammed was a paedophile. The militant atheists on here are a very poor representation of atheism.

Yeah those militant atheists are just the worst aren't they the way they say things you don't like, if only they were as well behaved as 'militant' Xians who merely murder abortionists or 'militant' Muslims who merely carry out suicide bombings and who wouldn't dream of saying things others might not like :roll:

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militant atheists lol!:hihi:


Yup, it's just atheists who say things deliberately to insult and provoke.:rolleyes:


You lying hypocrite.


I think he's talking about you and me here flamingjimmy:


ignore the shrill, hysterical atheist thugs.


To be honest, I'm getting a bit bored of hitting old ladies over the head with the hardback copy of The God Delusion now, so I won't be meeting you as usual outside church this Sunday. Oh, and please refrain from abbreviating your words in future, that's even worse apparently.



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I think he's talking about you and me here flamingjimmy:




To be honest, I'm getting a bit bored of hitting old ladies over the head with the hardback copy of The God Delusion now, so I won't be meeting you as usual outside church this Sunday. Oh, and please refrain from abbreviating your words in future, that's even worse apparently.





I didn't mean you.


Any discussion on religion jimmy contributes to soon descends into insults, as he's demonstrated above.


He writes in a deliberately provocative way, with the intention of coming across as controversial and enlightened, but the end product is childish.


Continually shrieking "Mohammed is a paedophile" is not sensible debate, that's why his filth was deleted.

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