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Parking ticket in aston leisure centre car park

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Judge: Why did you ignore the PCN sir?


Since when did an unenforceable 'invoice for parking' become a legally enforceable PCN (Penalty Charge Notice)?


Can we have an end to people handing out spurious quasi-legal advice on this forum?


For the last time:


Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) a notice issued by the Police or Local Authority which is legally enforceable in a magistrate's court (usually by an Order for Recovery with a Warrant of Execution) and can lead to the seizure of the vehicle concerned or even imprisonment in some cases.


Parking Invoice an invoice issued by a private parking company based on the understanding that by parking on the property that they are responsible for, you agree to be bound by their terms and conditions and to pay any charges they deem fit to levy. That is why it is very important NOT to enter into any dialogue or correspondence with these firms as any tenuous legal contract you may or may not have with them is greatly strengthened (in their favour) by such contact. ie. you can't stand up in court and say that you don't recognise their right to levy the charge if you have already rang or written to them to ask for time to pay or to dispute whether the charge they are making is fair or not.


So yes, in this case IGNORE the notices and DO NOT contact these people!


John X

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To the people advising to ignore these invoices, you do know there have been people taken to court and then had to pay the invoice plus court fees?


The most a civil court can do, is award compensation for loss.


They cannot "fine" you.


DO NOT enter into ANY dialogue with these parking companies, not even to tell them to go stuff their ticket.


Especially, do not admit to being the driver or, if you weren't the driver, identify who it was.

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Don't bother with Scottish cases. though; different legal system' date=' remember.[/quote']


And one which sees this parking racket for what it actually is...a racket.


If Excel Parking clamped your car on private land in Glasgow and then asked for a 'release fee', your first call would be to the Polis, to report them for demanding money with menaces as under Scottish law, it is seen as extortion.


The sooner they do that here the better, especially as more and more people are realising that these 'parking invoices' are worthless, and parking firms are turning to clamping as a way of making sure the invoices are paid.


John X

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Or could this have something to do with it ???




She was sued by Excel Parking Services...


...Ms Hetherington-Jakeman, 60, was sued for failing to pay three £60 parking tickets which she did not even know she had been given


Proof it isn't a "fine", and, despite what they say in the article, they were not "parking tickets".


that you can only provide one' date=' two year old, example of a successful prosecution[/quote']


It's not a prosecution.


Prosecution is for an offence/crime.


These are civil actions.

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in taking it to court over a £60 invoice, they have to prove that where the person was parked is valued at £60, and as the OP was parked for 30 mins, i tink that te judge is going to look very dimly upon the parking company as an invoice has to be proportional to the loss or supposed loss, thats why 99.9% of the time they don't take you to court as they know that they not got a leg to stand on!!

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