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Parking ticket in aston leisure centre car park

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Take a look at THIS.


I make one observation about it.


Paragraph 2 refers to "further action which may include legal proceedings".


If they're so sure of their position, why don't they say "will include legal proceedings" :confused:


BTW. If you return to your vehicle, as they are writing out their "ticket", don't get into a debate/argument with them.


Just get in, and drive away.

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One thing that I dont understand with things like this is if private parking companies are so bad, why do all the major supermarkets and retail outlets use them to moniter their car parks? Surely they wouldn't want to upset their valued customer base.


Maybe it's because most customers appreciate having a free place to park and it will keep their custom.


I guess the people that don't like the parking companies could vote with thier pounds and use supermarkets or retail outlets that don't employ private parking companies.


Its the same argument with speed cameras. You can render them completely useless and generate zero revenue by simply not breaking the speed limit. Sadly that fact seems to escape some people. And when they're in control of a ton of metal, its quite worrying they cannot apply simple logic.

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To the people advising to ignore these invoices, you do know there have been people taken to court and then had to pay the invoice plus court fees?


I would pay it and take the hit, if you get took to court you will probably loose, lesson learnt next time park where you should :thumbsup:


Would you like to provide a link to any case where someone was taken to court? For all we know you may work for Excel.

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Again, a case where someone who entered into a dialogue with the parking company and admitted his car was there but that he wasn't the driver at the time.


As has been said many times before, DO NOT enter into any dialogue or correspondence with these people and they will not take you to court as there is nothing to differntiate you from the thousands of others who just bin the invoices.


John X

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One small claims court decision does not set a precedent. It is not a landmark case, despite what the paper seeks to say. If that were the case, each time a Judge gave a random decision in my favour, I could jump up and down stating that I was setting new law. I'm not. Judges are odd creatures like that. Small claims courts mean nothing at all in legal terms.

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