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Things that annoy you about your OH!

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The way he gets in the bath knowing he doesn't have a towel then shouts down to me to fetch him one from the cupboard.


When I nip to the shop I ask if he wants any beer, goodies fetching, his reply "No thanks luv I'm trying to cut down and be healthy" He sees me sat drinking a beer with chocolate and looks at me with those blaady puppy dog eyes and no matter how hard I try to this day have never said NO!!


When he shaves he never cleans the sink of his bristles.


He ALWAYS leaves the toilet seat up.


Never changes the loo roll when it's empty


How he FAFFS (Folded pile of clothes on the floor, "please put them away for me darling". Wife sits in amazment watching DH take a piece of clothing from said pile unfold it look at it refold then put it on a hanger :confused:


Eats food that is well past its sell by date and thinks his body is made of iron then has a poorly tummy for a few days and lays around whinging and making my toilet stink :gag:


Wow I'm really on a roll here :D For all his faults I love him though and wouldn't change him for all the tea in china ( I don't drink tea ;) ) lol

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She drags me off to the dress shop because she has nothing to wear to a wedding, despite a wardrobe so crowded that we could start a second hand clothing store to pay for the new dress. She spends an hour selecting the ten specimens allowed, then tries each one on, and makes me stay tthere and comment on each one. My stock responses, "that looks great on you" and "that looks better, even". After all this, she'll ask for the opinion of the shop lady and buy on her advice. What in hell did I have to go for?

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Sorry Love I'm probably the only man alive unable to read minds.


I'm also fantastic at forgetting what she's asked me to do 0.1 seconds after her lips have stopped flapping, sometimes even mid sentence I'm off, thinking about the weather, or cars, or something/anything else. Knod now and again and say "yes" and "that's right".



My 13yr old daughters a chip off the old block. Sat round the dinner table a few months ago and the telephone rang. She got up and answered it. We could hear her mumbling as she came back to the table. Wife asked "who was it, was it my work?", daughter "yeah", wife "what did they say?", daughter "something something blah blah blah".

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Sorry Love I'm probably the only man alive unable to read minds.


I'm also fantastic at forgetting what she's asked me to do 0.1 seconds after her lips have stopped flapping, sometimes even mid sentence I'm off, thinking about the weather, or cars, or something/anything else. Knod now and again and say "yes" and "that's right".



My 13yr old daughters a chip off the old block. Sat round the dinner table a few months ago and the telephone rang. She got up and answered it. We could hear her mumbling as she came back to the table. Wife asked "who was it, was it my work?", daughter "yeah", wife "what did they say?", daughter "something something blah blah blah".


:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi: I love the way kids through innocence can fly swat your self importance away at the flick of the tongue.

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