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Smoking ban killed the boozers

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Is that fact?


Where are they? Given that lots of pubs seem to be boarded up or turned into offices etc - have they built some new ones that we're not aware of to replace them?


Yes its a fact. Try walking up West Street. Virtually every shop has now been converted into a cafe bar. Its what young folk want. There are still plenty of old fashioned boozers for those who want them but the trend is moving towards continental style cafe/bars like All Bar One.


Indeed many would argue that the smoking ban has led to an increase in the number of people who go to these places. It was never nice to eat a wrap whilst someone on the next table was smoking a filthy pipe.

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I never visited a pub (by choice) for 25 years until the smoking ban was introduced. I also selected carefull any restaurants for meals and never joined a WMC.


If you can find conclusive evidence than WMC's closed thorugh the smoking ban - whereas i know of several closed for mismanagement.



And how many pubs did you visit once the ban was implemented?


I've asked a number of landlords whether they found that they were getting significant numbers of new customers - the non-smokers who claimed that they didn't go to pubs because they were smoky - as a result of the smoking ban in pubs.


Strangely enough, nobody seemed to have noticed a surge in new customers... but there is ample evidence to show that some of the smoking customers took to drinking at home.

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I think cheap supermarket booze and then the recession did alot more to kill the pubs.


As a very occasional smoker I find that it's good that you can pop to the pub and come back without all your clothes stinking. However should you want a fag, most pubs seem to have a heated, covered outside area where you can smoke, I don't really see the big deal.



'A heated, covered outside area'... in one word, a 'Building'.:hihi:


Why can't pubs (other than the Members bar in the Palace of Westminster) have a room which is for smokers only? - Oh no! We can't have that!

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'A heated, covered outside area'... in one word, a 'Building'.:hihi:


Why can't pubs (other than the Members bar in the Palace of Westminster) have a room which is for smokers only? - Oh no! We can't have that!


Because for the powers that be it's do as we say not as we do. Why do they have to be an exception to the rule. The ban would have probably been reconsidered long ago if they couldn't puff away in their place of work!

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'A heated, covered outside area'... in one word, a 'Building'.:hihi:


Why can't pubs (other than the Members bar in the Palace of Westminster) have a room which is for smokers only? - Oh no! We can't have that!


because the smoke travels plus its not protecting the staff of that particular place

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Because for the powers that be it's do as we say not as we do. Why do they have to be an exception to the rule. The ban would have probably been reconsidered long ago if they couldn't puff away in their place of work!


I doubt that. Like the rest of the population the vast majority of MPs are non smokers and so would be in a majority in any vote. But of course the truth is that MPs overwhelmingly voted to ban smoking in ALL ENCLOSED PUBLIC SPACES and not just pubs. They did that when they were presented with overwhelming evidence from world heath organisations that such legislation would save lives.

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