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Smoking ban killed the boozers

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The pubs I frequent round here are always busy. Maybe its something to do with the good choice of real ales on offer. From my experience, the pubs which shut are those which sell nothing but Carling, Fosters, John Smiths and Guinness, and they deserve to close down for selling such toilet water.


Too true. The pubs I go to are thriving as well. They sell a wide range of products and don't have a pubco putting up their rent every few weeks as well as the cost of their beer.


Take The Three Cranes. A lovely pub but the landlord complained that the owner kept forcing him to put the price of the beer up. Over £3 for a pint of Landlord!!


Surprise surprise custom dried up and the pub closed. Top result for the owner, they now have a prime piece of real estate to flog for flats.


Nothing to do with smoking whatsoever.


Decent independently run pubs are doing well. The Harlequin always seems to be full, ditto The Kelham Island.


Plus The Blake is due to be reopening soon. Now that IS A RESULT!!

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Too true. The pubs I go to are thriving as well. They sell a wide range of products and don't have a pubco putting up their rent every few weeks as well as the cost of their beer.


Take The Three Cranes. A lovely pub but the landlord complained that the owner kept forcing him to put the price of the beer up. Over £3 for a pint of Landlord!!


Surprise surprise custom dried up and the pub closed. Top result for the owner, they now have a prime piece of real estate to flog for flats.


Nothing to do with smoking whatsoever.


Decent independently run pubs are doing well. The Harlequin always seems to be full, ditto The Kelham Island.

Plus The Blake is due to be reopening soon. Now that IS A RESULT!!



Taxman I think you have hit the nail on the head. I'm not sure that the discerning drinkers would miss any on this list..



Originally Posted by eastbank

the boozers are boarded up because years ago there were far too many but people used them...because it was a cheap night out....but once the breweries had to unload them...they sold off the crap ones....now look around you...cutlers,old harrow,frecheville,bagshaw to name a few....boozers were dying long before the ban came in.....probably the final nail in the coffin...

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...There have been numerous attempts to argue that smoking causes lung cancer. None of those arguments has been upheld.


If you believe that you are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.


Or Passing Cloud land.;)


C'mon then. Tell us when any court in any jurisdiction upheld a claim - a claim which was not subsequently overturned by a higher court in the same jurisdiction - that an individual contracted lung cancer through smoking (and not through some other reason.)

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The Smoking Ban has little or nothing to do with health and safety. If smoking had been banned on the grounds of health and safety, then those who use the Members' Bar in the Palace of Westminster would not be allowed to smoke there. - They have not exempted themselves from H&S legislation.


I suspect that smoking was banned because the government (and indeed Parliament) felt that by passing a law which they could say 'would protect the people' they might (perhaps) improve their (very) tarnished image in the eyes of the people. The smoking ban was, IMO, a tawdry piece of political showmanship implemented by the MPs. The Mountebanks of Parliament.


There are 2 types of cancer which have only been detected in people who smoke. They are both bladder cancers. If somebody dies of one of those cancers then the argument that his/her death was caused by smoking is very strong.


There are many other types of cancer (including lung cancer) which kill people. Some of those people killed are smokers, some are non-smokers. There have been numerous attempts to argue that smoking causes lung cancer. None of those arguments has been upheld.


Key Facts About Lung Cancer

Primary carcinoma of the lung is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women.

It accounts for approximately 32% of cancer deaths in men and 25% in women.

Current or former cigarette smokers make up approximately 90% of patients with lung cancer.

Men who smoke one pack a day increase their risk 10 times compared with non-smokers.

Men who smoke two packs a day increase their risk more than 25 times compared with non-smokers.

The more you smoke and the longer you smoke, the greater your risk.

Of the 180,000 people diagnosed in the United States alone each year, 86% will die within 5 years of diagnosis.

Chemicals and compounds in tobacco smoke make it cancerous and the cause of other harmful health effects of smoking.



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C'mon then. Tell us when any court in any jurisdiction upheld a claim - a claim which was not subsequently overturned by a higher court in the same jurisdiction - that an individual contracted lung cancer through smoking (and not through some other reason.)


WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has rejected appeals by the Obama administration and the nation’s largest tobacco companies to get involved in a legal fight about the dangers of cigarette smoking that has stretched more than 10 years.


The court’s action, issued without comment Monday, leaves in place court rulings that the tobacco industry illegally concealed the dangers of smoking for decades. But it also prevents the administration from trying to extract billions of dollars from the industry either in past profits or to fund a national campaign to curb smoking.


In asking the court to hear its appeal, the administration said the industry’s half-century of deception “has cost the lives and damaged the health of untold millions of Americans.”


The appeal was signed by Elena Kagan, the solicitor general, a couple of months before President Barack Obama nominated her to the Supreme Court.


Philip Morris USA, the nation’s largest tobacco maker, its parent company Altria Group Inc., R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., British American Tobacco Investments Ltd. and Lorillard Tobacco Co. filed separate but related appeals that took issue with a federal judge’s 1,600-page opinion and an appeals court ruling that found the industry engaged in racketeering and fraud over several decades.


In 2006, U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler ruled that the companies engaged in a scheme to defraud the public by falsely denying the adverse health effects of smoking, concealing evidence that nicotine is addictive and lying about their manipulation of nicotine in cigarettes to create addiction. A federal appeals court in Washington upheld the findings.

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The death of the pubs can be traced back to the late 80s when Thatcher and Lord Young along with the monopolies and mergers commission decided that the larger breweries had too many pubs and ordered them to sell some to the smaller companies. Now it doesnt take anyone with half a brain cell to work out the bigger concerns were not going to sell their most profitable pubs, so the smaller ones that were kept open on the estates subsidised by the better pubs, were then sold and the smaller pubs with lesser profit margins couldnt keep them open either.

Long before the smoking ban we set goodbye to a lot of decent pubs as well because the lowlift that went into the smaller pubs, then decided to move into the better pubs and then they got a reputation for this and closed down. Pubs like the woodthorpe and the horseshoe at shiregreen are prime examples. Also the breweries closed their operations in the city as well.

Many pubs were closed long before the smoking ban came into force.

The clubs are closing because the clientele are older people. The majority of people in the clubs are at least 50 years of age, tou dont see many young uns in

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Going on from the "boarded up pubs in Sheffield" thread, it's no coincidence that many many pubs have closed down due to the smoking ban as things went downhill for ale houses/working mens clubs/bingo halls as soon as it was enforced.

How sad really, i used to like going out for a good beverage with friends and having a smoke with my pint, i don't think i ever heard a non smoker complain when i sparked up, and im sure many non smokers would welcome smoking back in pubs if it brought the customers back which brings the atmosphere back.

How anti social is it going out every 20 minutes for a fag while your pal is sat in the pub waiting for you all the time, no one woiuld put up with that in the long run, hence why loads of people would rather drink at home.




Here we go again!!


Bring on the squeaky clean, pretentious, annoying, non-smokers who never smell bad or or do anything that will dammage their (or anyone around them) health! :help:

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