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Smoking ban killed the boozers

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I have to admit that when I was on a night out with some friends a few weeks ago I ended up been the only one left in the pub watching drinks when everyone else was outside smoking. I don’t understand why we could not of just made pubs have smoking and no smoking area’s.

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Isnt the whole point of drinking socialising with your m8s and new people, how can you do that in your own home realisticly every week?

It would get boring.

Drinking in the house can if you aks me make you order takeaways and make you smoke more as you dont have the misfortune of mooching outside for your fag, so is it really a good thing staying in?


That's up to the individual. I seem to smoke more at work than I do at home. I spend a fair amount of time at home sat at my PC, it hasn't made me overweight. The take away point works both ways, where do you think the term post pub kebab came from?

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I have to admit that when I was on a night out with some friends a few weeks ago I ended up been the only one left in the pub watching drinks when everyone else was outside smoking. I don’t understand why we could not of just made pubs have smoking and no smoking area’s.


If you look at the design of the remaining old Victorian pubs that's exactly what they did!

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That's up to the individual. I seem to smoke more at work than I do at home. I spend a fair amount of time at home sat at my PC, it hasn't made me overweight. The take away point works both ways, where do you think the term post pub kebab came from?


Drinking and eating go hand in hand, but sitting on your arse in the comfort of your own home rather than walking around with a kebab in your hand on west street is totally different.

Getting used to smoking, eating and drinking in your own home instead of going out to meet new people aint for me unfortunatly, but smokers have almost been forced into this situation unless they want to be treated like second class citizens by being herded outside.

Why are they allowed to smoke in the house of commons by the way?

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Isnt the whole point of drinking socialising with your m8s and new people, how can you do that in your own home realisticly every week?

It would get boring.

Drinking in the house can if you aks me make you order takeaways and make you smoke more as you dont have the misfortune of mooching outside for your fag, so is it really a good thing staying in?


No one is saying you should stay in etc Just that some people choose to do that because its cheaper.


I do go out with my mates round town etc and it cost me just on drinks, taxis food afterwards coz i am always starving when i have been out so we tend to go for cheesey chips (with cheese sauce tho not actual cheese!!!) £35. I can't afford to do that week in week out so I go out every 4 weeks round town with my mates and have a blast. If I stay at home it costs me £5 for wine and take away £4 it speaks for itself really Corks people can't afford it.


Also more people are outta work and things are alot tighter.


As for the smoking more whilst in the house - I can only disagree by what my fmates tell me as they smoke more when they are out.

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Smoking to me isn't addictive, i only smoke when I occasionally drink, but think since the ban it's amazing how many people treat smokers as second class citizens, there's now a 'us' and 'them' mentality, it's like a new fashionable racism!


I don't want my lungs filled with nicotine end of. If thats me being a new fashionable racist then so be it.

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