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Smoking ban killed the boozers

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No one is saying you should stay in etc Just that some people choose to do that because its cheaper.


I do go out with my mates round town etc and it cost me just on drinks, taxis food afterwards coz i am always starving when i have been out so we tend to go for cheesey chips (with cheese sauce tho not actual cheese!!!) £35. I can't afford to do that week in week out so I go out every 4 weeks round town with my mates and have a blast. If I stay at home it costs me £5 for wine and take away £4 it speaks for itself really Corks people can't afford it.


Also more people are outta work and things are alot tighter.


As for the smoking more whilst in the house - I can only disagree by what my fmates tell me as they smoke more when they are out.


I know what your saying it is personal preference, i do feel very strongly that the smoking ban has been a massive factor though in a lot of these establishments closing down.

Obviously the recession hasn't helped but, surly people can still afford a night out every couple of weeks.

I think motivation has to be questioned in some people to be fair though as its just too easy to say id rather stay in these day's.

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Drinking and eating go hand in hand, but sitting on your arse in the comfort of your own home rather than walking around with a kebab in your hand on west street is totally different.

Getting used to smoking, eating and drinking in your own home instead of going out to meet new people aint for me unfortunatly, but smokers have almost been forced into this situation unless they want to be treated like second class citizens by being herded outside.

Why are they allowed to smoke in the house of commons by the way?


Didn't know they were. Maybe it's not a public building or it could be a case of one rule for them.


I agree with the sentiment in the thread but the thing with smoking is it has been shown to kill people. When you smoke a fag you're making a choice. Why should someone have to suffer from our choice. No government can really be seen endorsing smoking, even allowing smoking rooms.


Passive smoking is bad. I used to enjoy Record Breakers when Roy Castle was on it.

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I have to admit that when I was on a night out with some friends a few weeks ago I ended up been the only one left in the pub watching drinks when everyone else was outside smoking. I don’t understand why we could not of just made pubs have smoking and no smoking area’s.


Because the smoke drifts so therefore no matter where you are you still get it.


I do believe however as i have stated before that its a good ides to have no smoking and smoking pubs.

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Didn't know they were. Maybe it's not a public building or it could be a case of one rule for them.


I agree with the sentiment in the thread but the thing with smoking is it has been shown to kill people. When you smoke a fag you're making a choice. Why should someone have to suffer from our choice. No government can really be seen endorsing smoking, even allowing smoking rooms.


Passive smoking is bad. I used to enjoy Record Breakers when Roy Castle was on it.


Why not ban smoking full stop then?

Oh by the way im suprised you agreed with the sentiments of the thread as it says Smokling ban, im surprised no-ones pulled me up on that yet lol :hihi:

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Why not ban smoking full stop then?

Oh by the way im suprised you agreed with the sentiments of the thread as it says Smokling ban, im surprised no-ones pulled me up on that yet lol :hihi:


I only just noticed the smokling ban bit. I'm not critical of typos.


Your top line is a sore point with me. Sure I agree that smoking is bad and I agree that the government shouldn't endorse it in anyway. I also think that if they are going to stop me from smoking in certain places and put graphic images of dying people on the packets then they equally should not profit from my habit. But we all know that smokers pay a hell of a lot of tax and no government will cut off revenue.

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I know what your saying it is personal preference, i do feel very strongly that the smoking ban has been a massive factor though in a lot of these establishments closing down.

Obviously the recession hasn't helped but, surly people can still afford a night out every couple of weeks.

I think motivation has to be questioned in some people to be fair though as its just too easy to say id rather stay in these day's.


Yes have to agree with you on this. I went through a stage where i couldnt be arsed anymore what with getting ready to go out - make up- outfit oh god the outfit- trying at least 5 on then ringing my mate in crisis - then having a glass of vino to calm my nerves :hihi: then there was the getting beer spilt on me and stinking of fags so I stopped going for a good few years and then one time my mate said she wasnt taking no for an answer, she came round to mine we got ready together and I have gone round town and loved every minute of it ever since.

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So they found something to protect empolyees but didnt think about protecting the people who smoke.

Wonder why that is, maybe its because it earns the government billions each year, i think they would soon start changing there mind about protecting employees if people stopped buying them from the UK for instance as a matter of protest.

It's one of the most two faced things the government has ever introduced and that is saying something considering some of the things they have been up to in recent times.


So you mentioned that the Govenment should protect smokers - How does that work, considering it's a choice not a requirement?


LOl.....are you serious?


Nobody is forced to smoke, it's a choice. I, like millions of other chose to drive, pay tax that earns the Governement billions, but have to obey the laws set by........you guessed it.....the Government.


So are driving laws two faced?


I never said no one is forced to smoke, what has driving got to do with smoking?


Driving is a choice too


You mentioned that smokers generate billions in revenue for the Government, so do drivers.


There's the link.


Yet because you choose to smoke and pay tax you say the Government is being two faced because they dictate how to can partake in your chosen activity. Restrictions put in place to protect the public and in particular employees.


Driving has restrictions too.....another link

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Yes have to agree with you on this. I went through a stage where i couldnt be arsed anymore what with getting ready to go out - make up- outfit oh god the outfit- trying at least 5 on then ringing my mate in crisis - then having a glass of vino to calm my nerves :hihi: then there was the getting beer spilt on me and stinking of fags so I stopped going for a good few years and then one time my mate said she wasnt taking no for an answer, she came round to mine we got ready together and I have gone round town and loved every minute of it ever since.


I'm like this. Minus the dress and make up. Sometimes I just can't force myself to go out, pay over the odds for a drink I've just had to queue 30 minutes for and come home £40 worse off.

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I only just noticed the smokling ban bit. I'm not critical of typos.


Your top line is a sore point with me. Sure I agree that smoking is bad and I agree that the government shouldn't endorse it in anyway. I also think that if they are going to stop me from smoking in certain places and put graphic images of dying people on the packets then they equally should not profit from my habit. But we all know that smokers pay a hell of a lot of tax and no government will cut off revenue.


Thats where my two faced government comment comes in, on one hand they have things like you mentioned with the packets then on the other hand they are free to buy in just abut every kiosk/shop in the UK.

Fags can be easier to get hold of than milk/bread you never see the fag counter empty like you do the milk/bread isle.

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