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Union Carbide site off claywheels lane


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Originally posted by Greybeard

Is this not the case ? What do your local city councillors have to say?


The three local Area Panels that border on Claywheels (Hillsborough/Walkley/Netherthorpe, Southey/Owlerton and North) are currently involved in a review of land uses of the Upper Don Valley. Members of the three panels are currently of the view that the Claywheels Lane/Beeley Wood Lane corridor represents a valuable employment-generation, light industrial/commercial asset and should be and/or remain designated as land for light industrial/commercial development; and the value of that asset would be greatly increased (and the pressure of through-traffic through Hillsborough reduced) by the construction of a bridge across the Don somewhere north of Middlewood Park and the improvement and upgrading of Beeley Wood Lane/Claywheels Lane to Penistone Road.


JGH, Chair Hillsborough/Walkley/Netherthorpe Area Panel

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Originally posted by fox20thc

Not necessarily true, I was reading that was the argument with the swfc training ground planning, they said that as some of the land has had changing rooms ect. on it the site qualifies as brownfield, the planners say otherwise.


Yes, there's occasional fuzziness at the edges like that. I once had one planner tell me a site that had a brick shed on it was brownfield, and another say it was greenfield.


But, a house is definitely makes it brownfield. Councillors then have arguments with planners over whether that means the garden is also brownfield.

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With the exception that poor BW-Res has a home in the middle of the planned development, I am wholeheartedly in favour.


In addition to the much needed housing and employment the site will bring, Menta and UDR Beeleywood are planning to invest in the surrounding area.


This includes cleaning up the riverside and niagra wier, making it more accessible and improving the local environment.

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Originally posted by Greybeard

And I thought that in the case of a proposed or planned development affecting residential property the occupants of that property had to be notified in writing at an early stage in the procedure and kept informed at each stage of the process so that they had the opportunity to object ?


Is this not the case ? What do your local city councillors have to say ?


Neighbouring/Adjacent residents should be notified by Planning Officers that an application has been made. There is no obligation to do more than this as the applications are advertised publicly.


You are now aware of these applications, can see all the details and comments regarding the applications, and can submit any objections that you may have.

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Originally posted by jgharston

The application itself is 23 inches of A4.


I pity everyone who has to actually read them both! :o


I have seen artistic representations of the planned development and it looks very.. european. I liked it nice large community spaces and lots of trees. The footbridge will be a bonus for everyone who needs to get to work/school on the penistone road side as well.

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Originally posted by fox20thc

I am wholeheartedly in favour


Aah, these are the plans which have been in planning - by 'Menta' - for over a year, yet which residents have only been informed about very recently? Are these the plans reported to be 'welcomed by residents living nearby', despite a majority of said residents signing a petition opposing the proposal of the new path and bridge across the Don?

Are you in favour of the potentially vast amount of trouble the bridge will bring to the Winn Gardens estate? Do you look forward to being 'really put on the map' with regards to an increase in crime for the immediate area? :suspect:

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