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Motorways, "middle lane hoggers" ?

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Not all speedometers are calibrated in the same way. Some show a speed a little faster than your actual speed, so 70mph on your dashboard could be 65mph on someone else's.


:confused: Surely those speedometers that don't actually show the CORRECT speed need recalibrating

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The law for car speedometers in the UK


The UK law is based on the EU standard, with some minor changes. A speedo must never show less than the actual speed, and must never show more than 110% of actual speed + 6.25mph. So if your true speed is 40mph, your speedo could legally be reading up to 50.25mph but never less than 40mph. Or to put it another way, if your speedo is reading 50mph, you won’t be doing more than 50mph but it’s possible you might actually only be travelling at 40mph.


And to avoid having to have an expensively highly accurate speedo they simply manufacture less expensive, less accurate speedos, and set them to over read.



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And to avoid having to have an expensively highly accurate speedo they simply manufacture less expensive, less accurate speedos, and set them to over read.




no actually modern electronic speedos are high quality.The information the vehicle gathers about speed is highly accurate at the ecu but is adjusted to over read at the speedo.

if you have an average speed computer,if you reset it the instant it gives a reading it will be accurate,yet at the speedo you have over read.


This is why the middle lane hoggers who sit in road works at 48 mph have vehicles seemingly flying past them and they think others are speeding when they are not.

They are doing 44 mph not 48.


Truck speedos tend to be more accurate about 2 mph or less out.

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I`m not perfect, sometimes I miscalculate, usually when a truck in the inside lane is breaking its speed limit (I thought they were supposed to be limited to 56mph ? ). If I end up being in the middle lane when for 40 seconds when I could have been in the inside lane I`d have made an error, albeit a minor one, but at least it isn`t going to kill anyone.....


So we're all in agreement that staying in the middle lane for 40 seconds would be perceived as middle lane hogging, and that ideally you would move over.


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 11:09 ----------


:confused: Surely those speedometers that don't actually show the CORRECT speed need recalibrating


No, the legal requirement is that they never under read, and don't over read by more than 10%


Edit - 10% + 6.25mph according to an earlier post. Which is actually a huge error if you're doing an indicated 30... You could actually be doing about 21 mph (top of head calculation).

Edited by Cyclone
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Middle lane hoggers bang on about everything they can muster to make excuses for staying there.is changing lanes for some really so difficult?

Its not about measurements,its about whats going on around you.If someone behind you wants to get past then ill go out of my way to enable them to do it,why wouldnt i?.If there is no one behind you then its not so imperative you move as quickly.

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Middle lane hoggers bang on about everything they can muster to make excuses for staying there.is changing lanes for some really so difficult?


I thought exactly the same as I drove down the motorway the other day.


I was thinking here I am, changing lanes as you do, not really thinking anything of it.


So why is it such a chore for some people??

It's just part of driving on a motorway?!?!?

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i never get whypeople say they avoid motorways cos they are scared of them.How hard can driving in a straight line be? :)


Its just a shame these people arnt subject to a proper driving test.They wouldnt have a hope in hell.

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So we're all in agreement that staying in the middle lane for 40 seconds would be perceived as middle lane hogging, and that ideally you would move over.


I don`t know whether I`d go as far as saying it was lane hogging, particularly if I were doing the speed limit anyway, but, essentially, I personally would move over if I could be in the other lane for 40 seconds, yes. And particularly so if there was another car behind me.

Edited by Justin Smith
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I don`t know whether I`d go as far as saying it was lane hogging, particularly if I were doing the speed limit anyway, but, essentially, I personally would move over if I could be in the other lane for 40 seconds, yes.




You have very bad attitude!


Since when has it been anything at all to do with you whether other people are speeding or not?


I would put my house on it you go along in the middle lane knowing others want to get past but refuse to move while looking at your speedo.


just do what you are supposed to do and the roads will be far more pleasant for not just you,but others as well.

When you don't not only does it get unpleasant but often dam right dangerous!

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