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Motorways, "middle lane hoggers" ?

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Absolute tosh from start to finish.

Let`s face it, you and loads of other petrol heads just want to drive faster. The fact that it`s against the law is only of concern to you if you get caught, which is not only an incredibly arrogant attitude, but is also the same attitude as most common criminals have. Personally I wouldn`t be happy to have the same attitude as that particular group of individuals, but it takes all sorts I suppose.


I`m amazed that anyone can argue against the Highway Code which states quite categorically that middle lane driving is (at worst) advised against, but speeding will result in prosecution.

I have many strong feelings against many things, but even I never argue that black is white.

But there are none so blind as those who will not see, or in this case, don`t want to see........

I regularly have to move from lane 1 to 3, past the middle lane hog, and back to lane 1, all at 70mph

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There is an interesting sidelight to this debate. I, and I suspect most other drivers, are more likly to return to the inside lane (and, come to that, also to the middle lane from the outside lane) when the motorway is less busy.

Why ?

Well, when the motorway is busy, you have the problem of getting back out into that lane when you inevitably come up to a slower moving vehicle, and pulling out into a lane which is already full is an experience that most people would prefer to avoid as much as possible. To be frank you can`t really blame for that.


The inevitable slow moving vehicle could be a half a mile or move away.


However you try to spin it, unless you are overtaking you should move to the left.

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I`m amazed that anyone can argue against the Highway Code which states quite categorically that middle lane driving is advised against,
Exactly, but you insist on doing it. It doesn't say 'at worst'.


Sections 116 and 117 state:



On a two-lane dual carriageway you should stay in the left-hand lane. Use the right-hand lane for overtaking or turning right. If you use it for overtaking move back to the left-hand lane when it is safe to do so.



On a three-lane dual carriageway, you may use the middle lane or the right-hand lane to overtake but return to the middle and then the left-hand lane when it is safe.


Have you tried this site? http://www.middlelanemorons.com/script/middle_lane_morons_prob.php



but speeding will result in prosecution.

I have many strong feelings against many things, but even I never argue that black is white.

But there are none so blind as those who will not see, or in this case, don`t want to see........

Indeed speeding will result in prosecution, but being an expert you will know that most traffic divisions have policies not to pull drivers for doing less than 80mph unless they are driving in an unsafe manner.


While you are so keen to preach what you see as right and wrong, perhaps you should remember that the Police can and do prosecute people for middle lane hogging because it comes under Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1988: "If a person drives a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road or other public place without due care and attention, or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road or public place, he is guilty of an offence", or can even be careless driving.

Either way it shows profound incompetence and woeful lack of understanding of motorway safety.

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I regularly have to move from lane 1 to 3, past the middle lane hog, and back to lane 1, all at 70mph
Same here, and they seem either to be blissfully unaware that they are in the wrong lane, or stubbornly determined not to change lanes at any cost.
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Same here, and they seem either to be blissfully unaware that they are in the wrong lane, or stubbornly determined not to change lanes at any cost.


It does amuse me on the odd occasion when such an overtake seems to wake them up, and they follow you into lane 1. If only they engaged their brain and just did that without having to be lead.

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How anyone can be travelling at 70mph in the inside lane defeats me, as I have stated before during the normal working day most of the vehicles in the inside lane are restricted to 56mph and to keep dodging in and out of them is pointless and dangerous.

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How anyone can be travelling at 70mph in the inside lane defeats me, as I have stated before during the normal working day most of the vehicles in the inside lane are restricted to 56mph and to keep dodging in and out of them is pointless and dangerous.


All depends on the distance between the vehicles

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How anyone can be travelling at 70mph in the inside lane defeats me, as I have stated before during the normal working day most of the vehicles in the inside lane are restricted to 56mph and to keep dodging in and out of them is pointless and dangerous.


How anyone can drive on a motorway with such a lack of driving skills amazes me

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