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Motorways, "middle lane hoggers" ?

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Ironically, I`d be more willing to swap lanes more often if every other driver stuck more or less to the speed limit and there was never any "undertaking" because under those circumstances lane changing would be much safer. Let`s face it, even if you`re doing the speed limit, when you change lanes to the right there is a possibilty some prat may be going past at 30mph faster than you, if you change lanes to the left there`s a possibilty some idiot could be overtaking you on the inside.

There isn't really, if you're pulling back in as soon as you should and you use your mirrors and indicators.

There`s even a possiblity, thankfully rare, that some prat idiot may be going past you on the inside at 30mph faster than you.......

It`s ironic, because if all other motorists did stick to the speed limit and never overtook on the inside (which they are actually supposed to do anyway) there`d be less reason to have to change lanes in the first place.......

You seem to not really understand the fundamental reason for multiple lanes on the motorway. Which is to overtake, not for you to choose one and stay in it, changing lane is of course required to overtake.

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Ironically, I`d be more willing to swap lanes more often if every other driver stuck more or less to the speed limit and there was never any "undertaking" because under those circumstances lane changing would be much safer. Let`s face it, even if you`re doing the speed limit, when you change lanes to the right there is a possibilty some prat may be going past at 30mph faster than you, if you change lanes to the left there`s a possibilty some idiot could be overtaking you on the inside. There`s even a possiblity, thankfully rare, that some prat idiot may be going past you on the inside at 30mph faster than you.......

It`s ironic, because if all other motorists did stick to the speed limit and never overtook on the inside (which they are actually supposed to do anyway) there`d be less reason to have to change lanes in the first place.......


The middle lane is an overtaking lane, if you aren't overtaking anything then you shouldn't be in that lane.


If a car in the outside lane is going faster than you, then you're clearly not overtaking, therefore you're in the wrong.

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  • 2 years later...


The police deal with the law breakers.


So move over to the left unless overtaking. Really is that simple


Would you want me to just leave it to the police if I saw your house being burgled, or you being mugged on the street ? Generally, people who make this point on threads about so called "middle lane drivers" are those who want to speed on the motorway and don`t want to have to fart about changing lanes to do it. They think everyone else should have to change lanes so they don`t have to (whilst they get on with breaking the law.....).

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Would you want me to just leave it to the police if I saw your house being burgled, or you being mugged on the street ? Generally, people who make this point on threads about so called "middle lane drivers" are those who want to speed on the motorway and don`t want to have to fart about changing lanes to do it. They think everyone else should have to change lanes so they don`t have to (whilst they get on with breaking the law.....).


But if you're faffing about in the middle lane, I've got to go from lane 1 to 3, rather than 1 to 2. I drove to Hampshire and back this week, using all 3 lanes (indeed 4 in some places) and not once went over 70. Those who claim the outside lanes are for those doing 80+ clearly don't drive on the motorway much.

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People who complain that they get 'stuck' in the middle lane because other motorists are undertaking them are missing a vital point... If people can undertake you, then there is no justifiable reason why you should not have moved back into the left lane in the first place.

The rules of the road are quite clear.. "Keep left unless overtaking" and should be adhered to. All this nonsense about other motorists breaking the speed limit is nobodys concern but theirs and is irrelevant to middle lane hogging. If they get caught, they get prosecuted - their problem.

Concentrate on being a better driver yourself and stop concerning yourself on matters that dont concern you.

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The middle lane is probably the most dangerous lane to drive in! People are cutting in and out of the middle lane all the time.


Safest way to drive on the motorway is in the fast lane, quicker than everyone else!

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Lane 2 hoggers are not that much of a problem in my opinion. In any case there are often good reasons not to move into lane 1.


See http://www.speedlimit.org.uk/hogging.html for a sensible article on the subject.


I agree with that. Lane 1 is mostly trucks and slow drivers and it's all too easy to get trapped in it when it's busy. You'll often find yourself in a vulnerable position between two trucks and if the front one brakes suddenly you're dead.


Lane 2 for general driving.


Lane 3 for overtaking.

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I agree with that. Lane 1 is mostly trucks and slow drivers and it's all too easy to get trapped in it when it's busy. You'll often find yourself in a vulnerable position between two trucks and if the front one brakes suddenly you're dead.


Lane 2 for general driving.


Lane 3 for overtaking.


Its easy to get trapped if your a muppet. Otherwise, mirror, signal, manoeuvre generally works a treat.


How do you go on driving in the 'safe' middle lane when a 44tonne left hooker pulls out on you because he cant see you?


Lane discipline is used for many reasons.

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