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Motorways, "middle lane hoggers" ?

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It's not unnecessary if you aren't overtaking, in fact it's the opposite, it's necessary to avoid being in the wrong lane.


Back in 2010 when you started this thread you didn't understand how to drive, is that still the case 3 years later?


Lets` face it, whether you`re a "middle lane hogger" or not must surely depend on the speed you`re driving at ?

No, not at all. It depends on whether the inside lane is clear and you should be driving in it or not (not meaning that you are overtaking).

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Just the other day some braindead overtook me on the M1 doing 90 to 100mph and it struck me that changing lanes all over the place at that speed really would be dangerous. In fact I want imbeciles like him to stay as far away from me (and my family and friends) as possible, so far from wanting him to get in the left hand lane whenever possible I actually want him to stay out in the right hand lane permanently*. There`s some irony in this, because generally speaking it`s drivers who want to speed who complain about "middle laners doing 70mph", yet unnecessary lane changing when you`re speeding, especially at 90 to 100mph, is stupid particularly as it`s unlikely anyone would be overtaking you anyway.


*Actually I tell a lie, I`d like cretins like him to get banned, but until that happens I want him to stay in the right hand lane (even in the four lane sections), well away from me........


I'e just read all 14 pages of this thread, have you now decided that it is better to return left than stay middle?


I'm probably one of those users you hate but we do have something in common, I don't want to have to swerve all over the road at Xmph I want to leave myself a nice big gap from everything.

Sometimes I'll go down the middle for miles and miles if there's nothing behind me.

Sometimes I'll go down the 3rd lane for miles and miles if there's lots of 1st lane traffic and there's nothing behind me.


But if there are any cars in my rearview i'll always move left straight away. because I know how much it sucks to be going lane to lane to lane to lane at x mph.



edit to add,

I would rather go on the hard shoulder than stop on a slip (when mway traffic isn't at a standstill).

The thought of a standing start to join a 60mph + stream of traffic makes my sphincter tighten


Say the average car does a 8/10 sec 0 to 60 and the average braking distance from 60mph is about 75m

That's a whole lot of opportunity to be rear-ended = about 20 car lengths

Bear in mind a daewoo matiz is more in the region of 20 seconds and more likely to be driven by those who don't redline, (you could be looking as high as 40 seconds for a 0 -60)

sod that

10 mins on the hard shoulder would be preferable all round, In fact I'd rather somebody reverse up the the hard shoulder slip and leave the motorway than do a standing start onto it.

Edited by syne
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But in the managed motorway scenario, there will already be someone in the new lane 1 (ie the old hard shoulder), so someone on the slip road will still have to give way to them. Alternatively, the motorway would need to revert to the current design before each junction, and the people in the new lane 1 move back out into the old lane 1 to recreate the hard shoulder prior to the junction. Only then could people entering the motorway have a clear lane (ie the hard shoulder) to drive onto.


It would then work a little like junction 34 of the M1, where joining drivers have their own lane.


I don’t know how they design the junctions on the new managed motorways. Whatever they do, it has to work both when the motorway includes the hard shoulder as a usable lane, and also when it doesn't


Since writing the above, when this thread was alive, I made a point of checking a managed motorway (the M1, just north of the M25) when I travelled on it a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if all managed m/ways are done the same, but in the case I saw, the managed lane (ie old hard shoulder) was terminated and went back to being a hard shoulder just before a slip road off, and was then reinstated just after the slip road back on.

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It's not unnecessary if you aren't overtaking, in fact it's the opposite, it's necessary to avoid being in the wrong lane.


Back in 2010 when you started this thread you didn't understand how to drive, is that still the case 3 years later?



No, not at all. It depends on whether the inside lane is clear and you should be driving in it or not (not meaning that you are overtaking).


I know how to drive thanks very much.

Moving over to the inside lane when it is clear to do so is subjective.

If there`s nothing in the inside lane for a mile or more then do so.

If there`s a truck in there a few hundred yards ahead I`m not going to fart about changing lanes twice just so some arrogant git can break the speed limit without having to change lanes.


But let`s get this straight.

You`re saying that people who break the law speeding* aren`t being hypocritical by telling others to move over to the inside lane** every 5 to 10 seconds (or even move over at all come to that) ?

How does that work ? I find the inconsistency and the stench of hypocrisy nauseating.


* Speeding = MUST / MUST NOT = "if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence"

** Move over to the left "when it is clear to do so" = should / should not = "advisory wording"


There is nothing more amusing, but also rather sad, than seeing people trying to argue that black is white......

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I know how to drive thanks very much.

Moving over to the inside lane when it is clear to do so is subjective.

If there`s nothing in the inside lane for a mile or more then do so.

If there`s a truck in there a few hundred yards ahead I`m not going to fart about changing lanes twice just so some arrogant git can break the speed limit without having to change lanes.


But let`s get this straight.

You`re saying that people who break the law speeding* aren`t being hypocritical by telling others to move over to the inside lane** every 5 to 10 seconds (or even move over at all come to that) ?

How does that work ? I find the inconsistency and the stench of hypocrisy nauseating.


* Speeding = MUST / MUST NOT = "if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence"

** Move over to the left "when it is clear to do so" = should / should not = "advisory wording"


There is nothing more amusing, but also rather sad, than seeing people trying to argue that black is white......


The speeding of other drivers is really a red herring, unless you have a blue light on your car.


A good rule of thumb I had from my driving instructor is that if you can count to ten secs before reaching the vehicle in the left lane you should move over. In that 10 secs you will have traveled 342 yards at 70mph.


Your example of only moving over if the vehicle is a mile away or more at 70mph would leave you in the middle lane for a minimum of 51 secs. That's hogging the middle lane.

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There is nothing more amusing, but also rather sad, than seeing people trying to argue that black is white......


Before talking about black and white you might like to get you facts right, the lane you are in is totally irrelevant to speed ….. if the lane to the left of you is clear then you should be using it ,…… you Sig is complete nonsense.

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I know how to drive thanks very much.

Moving over to the inside lane when it is clear to do so is subjective.

If there`s nothing in the inside lane for a mile or more then do so.

If there`s a truck in there a few hundred yards ahead I`m not going to fart about changing lanes twice just so some arrogant git can break the speed limit without having to change lanes.


But let`s get this straight.

You`re saying that people who break the law speeding* aren`t being hypocritical by telling others to move over to the inside lane** every 5 to 10 seconds (or even move over at all come to that) ?

How does that work ? I find the inconsistency and the stench of hypocrisy nauseating.


* Speeding = MUST / MUST NOT = "if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence"

** Move over to the left "when it is clear to do so" = should / should not = "advisory wording"


There is nothing more amusing, but also rather sad, than seeing people trying to argue that black is white......


Unfortunately, sometimes it's necessary to go over 70mph on the motorway. If someone is in the middle lane doing, just under 70mph and I've got my c/control set at 70, I'm going to run into the back of you, unless you drive properly and move into the left lane again.


Motorways have lanes for over taking.


---------- Post added 11-05-2013 at 14:54 ----------


Before talking about black and white you might like to get you facts right, the lane you are in is totally irrelevant to speed ….. if the lane to the left of you is clear then you should be using it ,…… you Sig is complete nonsense.


I didn't notice that sig! Ha Ha! Quality! What a nonce!

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If i were you, i would get some reading lessons! What part of the my post that you quoted regarding my own personal lack of need to ever use the hard shoulder to get onto a motorway?


Now as your such an experts on this subject, please answer the following question with a simple A or B.


When joining a motorway from the hard shoulder, do you?


A) Remain in the hard shoulder until there is a suitable gap and then join the main carriageway and accelerate away?


B) Remain in the hard shoulder whilst accelerating and join the main carriageway when your speed is matched to the flow of traffic and there is a suitable gap?



cant you ask a question thats slightly tasking?





A or B.... simple question, simple answer. :)



cant you ask a question thats a bit more tasking,not that you would catch me out.




ps i knew how ABS worked when it came out in the 80's first introduced on the Citreon BX


---------- Post added 11-05-2013 at 15:21 ----------


reading this twadle in this thread you can see just why the roads are such a mess cant you? :)

Edited by Xt500
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cant you ask a question thats a bit more tasking,not that you would catch me out.




ps i knew how ABS worked when it came out in the 80's first introduced on the Citreon BX


---------- Post added 11-05-2013 at 15:21 ----------


reading this twadle in this thread you can see just why the roads are such a mess cant you? :)


Im not trying to catch you out. Im trying to work out your thought process.


If, as you suggested earlier in the thread, that using the hard shoulder in order to maintain speed to join a motorway is 'wrong'... but you answered 'B' to my question which in essence is the same situation, I would just like to know where the difference lay in your opinion.


BTW. I dont know where the 'catching out' has come from. I certainly did not post that and am not attempting to 'catch anybody out'. :)


reading this twadle in this thread you can see just why the roads are such a mess cant you? :)


Yep. :D and is why i always 'obey' the first driving rule i was ever taught... "Regard everybody else on the road as a total idiot and you will be fine"

Edited by Mr_Squirrel
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Im not trying to catch you out. Im trying to work out your thought process.


If, as you suggested earlier in the thread, that using the hard shoulder in order to maintain speed to join a motorway is 'wrong'... but you answered 'B' to my question which in essence is the same situation, I would just like to know where the difference lay in your opinion.


BTW. I dont know where the 'catching out' has come from. I certainly did not post that and am not attempting to 'catch anybody out'. :)




Yep. :D and is why i always 'obey' the first driving rule i was ever taught... "Regard everybody else on the road as a total idiot and you will be fine"


The difference is its against the law to use a hard shoulder to drive on unless....

If you have been forced to go on a hard shoulder through emergency then you need to get off it safely somehow and theres only one way to do that which is to build up speed on it and then find a safe gap to rejoin the main carraigeway.


If thats what they teach you in driving lessons then im glad i didnt need any.

Giving people attitude isnt the way to make roads safer and while there is a growing number of idiots on the road,its far from everyone.

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