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Motorways, "middle lane hoggers" ?

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I can see both sides to this debate.


If I'm overtaking a stream of 10 cars in lane 1, I'll stay in the middle lane until I'm past them all - I agree with the other poster who said it's more dangerous to be nipping in and out of lane 1 every 5 seconds.


That said, the people who are in lane 2 and are driving slower than those in lane 1 drive me mad!

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If I'm overtaking a stream of 10 cars in lane 1, I'll stay in the middle lane until I'm past them all - I agree with the other poster who said it's more dangerous to be nipping in and out of lane 1 every 5 seconds.


I don't think anyone is complaining about people who people who use the middle lane to overtake. That is what it is for.


It is people who just sit in that lane the whole time even if the inside lane is empty that are being criticised.


I still can't believe there are people on here who are defending the practice! :loopy:


John X

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Its not called 'overtaking on the left' its called undertaking and its very dangerous so if police see you blatently doing this they pull you over and give you an on the spot penelty charge and depending how nice they are they can give you points on your liscence.


There was a policeman posted on here a few years ago and his opinion was that if someone has time to overtake on the left then you have time to pull over to allow them to overtake on the right. The inference being that it's OK to overtake on the left if slow moving traffic is sitting in the centre lane.


Apart from that, what else is there to do on a motorway other than change lanes now and then?

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If your driving at 70 then you WILL be going faster than the person in the left hand lane there are no doubts about it, therefore you are forced to drive in the middle lane. If the left hand lane then becomes 'free' then unless there is someone right up behind you trying to get past whats the point in moving into the left lane? a minute later you would have to move back to the middle to go past the next set of lorries!


I do drive in the middle lane most of the time but im not a 'middle lane hogger' as i would never hold the traffic up, if anything i have to go into the fast lane to overtake the 'middle lane hoggers' your describing.

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I don't think anyone is complaining about people who people who use the middle lane to overtake. That is what it is for.


It is people who just sit in that lane the whole time even if the inside lane is empty that are being criticised.


I still can't believe there are people on here who are defending the practice! :loopy:


John X


My bold


I'm with you on this John X. I've always thought people doing this were unaware of what they were doing and are simply daydreaming. I'm genuinely shocked to realise that people make a conscious decision to do it, and think it's acceptable.


Very very self-centred.

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