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Motorways, "middle lane hoggers" ?

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see this is the problem with lane hoggers,they are very dangerous people.


Your not a policeman,and the days coming your going to either get hurt,or hurt someone or worse,your excuses wont work then.

Use the road to get from A to B thats all your licensed to do.


if you want to save lifes i hear they need nurses at the NHS


if i reported everyone i see doing something wrong,i would never be out of the police station.i bet following you for just 10 minutes id have reason for a visit.


Come on XT. This is like arguing with the wife. You`re not listening to me, it`s like arguing with a brick wall. :


I prefer driving in the inside lane


Is that clear enough for you ?


I`d put you on my ignore list but some of your answers are too amusing to miss !


The speedos on all of my cars (since I bought my first GPS receiver in 1998 so I could check them) have been about 5% fast. So, if your speedo reads 70mph you`re probably doing about 66 to 67mph. I wouldn`t have thought it was worth arguing about 3 to 4mph, that`s walking pace for Gawd`s sake !


---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 14:26 ----------



I don`t agree with anything you`ve said XT, but we all love you anyway ! Incidentally, would you want me to ignore everyone breaking the law, for instance if they were burgling your house ? That said, I do not deliberately set out to obstruct other drivers breaking the speed limit*, but I`m not going to alter how I drive one iota to make it easier for them. Why should I ?


* I might under certain circumstances. The infamous time last Feb when I saw some imbecile in a silver grey Audi R8 doing about around 60mph up Rutland Rd. And I`m not exaggerating it was about 60mph on a busy 30mph limit road. If I could have done anything to slow that cretin down I would have done it because that, as any reasonable person would agree, is highly dangerous driving. I could be saving someone`s life.....


XT Old Chap, this really is like arguing with the wife......


I find your answers amusing which is why you`re not on my ignore list, but really, if this goes on much longer......


You still haven't answered my question, if I saw someone breaking into your house would you want me to ignore it ?

While I`m at it I`ll ask a second question, what do you think of someone doing 60mph plus up Rutland Rd ? And are you saying attempting to slow down someone doing 60mph plus up Rutland Rd is not something that should be done ?

Edited by Justin Smith
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The comparison with breaking into a house. What WOULD you do? Would you call the police, or would you run over and wrestle with them?


Because for the comparison to be accurate, if you're going to try to police the road yourself, you need to run over and wrestle burglars, intervene whenever you see violence, run after people who drop litter, and so on.

If on the other hand, in the event of seeing a crime you would actually just phone the police, then feel free to do that whenever you THINK you've seen someone speeding. But don't take it on yourself to try to slow them down.

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The comparison with breaking into a house. What WOULD you do? Would you call the police, or would you run over and wrestle with them?


Because for the comparison to be accurate, if you're going to try to police the road yourself, you need to run over and wrestle burglars, intervene whenever you see violence, run after people who drop litter, and so on.

If on the other hand, in the event of seeing a crime you would actually just phone the police, then feel free to do that whenever you THINK you've seen someone speeding. But don't take it on yourself to try to slow them down.


As I said C I don`t deliberately obstruct speeding drivers, I just said I don`t go out of my way to make it easier for them, why should I ?

And I do know whether they`re speeding, I`m a pretty good judge of cars speeds as I`ve proved before, but even more so if my car is doing 70mph and they`re going past me !

The thing about the cretin in the Audi R8 isn`t in the same league, it`s a different order of seriousness from a driver doing 80+ on the motorway. IMO anyone capable of safely slowing him down should do so, people`s lives are at genuine risk from ****holes like him.

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You shouldn't worry about what speed they are doing at all, and just drive as you should.


I doubt that you're a good judge, but I only have your car related posts to base that opinion on.


Trying to slow someone down who's driving like that most likely increases the risk, not reduces it. You're not smoky chasing the bandit, the only thing you should do in that situation is report a car being driven dangerously to the police.

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You shouldn't worry about what speed they are doing at all, and just drive as you should.


I doubt that you're a good judge, but I only have your car related posts to base that opinion on.


Trying to slow someone down who's driving like that most likely increases the risk, not reduces it. You're not smoky chasing the bandit, the only thing you should do in that situation is report a car being driven dangerously to the police.


I do just drive as I should, that`s what I said, or meant to. I generally don`t let speeding drivers affect how I drive one way or the other, other than if someone is tailgating me, then I might slowly let my speed drift down.


On the speed estimation thing : My estimated av speed 19.5mph and actual speed 17.8mph (approx 9% out).

Edited by Justin Smith
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I do just drive as I should, that`s what I said, or meant to. I generally don`t let speeding drivers affect how I drive one way or the other, other than if someone is tailgating me, then I might slowly let my speed drift down.


On the speed estimation thing : My estimated av speed 19.5mph and actual speed 17.8mph (approx 9% out).


a little contradictory :)



What do you think slowing down is going to achieve?

The only answer is let them get by in a safe manner and get on with your life.


You seem hell bent on upsetting everyone you come in contact with on the roads.

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I do just drive as I should, that`s what I said, or meant to. I generally don`t let speeding drivers affect how I drive one way or the other, other than if someone is tailgating me, then I might slowly let my speed drift down.


On the speed estimation thing : My estimated av speed 19.5mph and actual speed 17.8mph (approx 9% out).



so in saying the above you have admitted to being probably one of the most dangerous drivers??!! almost goading a driver into anger as you "slowly let your speed drift down" that is almost the same as brake testing someone whos tailgating as you call it:loopy::loopy: did you ever pass a test??

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He seems pretty fixated on others he believes to be speeding yet ignores the reality.


94% of accidents are caused by people NOT speeding which leads the un-brainwashed to view the probability its actually folk like him that are high risk and the speeding drivers are actually far far less likely to cause an accident, that is provided they can manage to keep out of his way!

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He seems pretty fixated on others he believes to be speeding yet ignores the reality.


94% of accidents are caused by people NOT speeding which leads the un-brainwashed to view the probability its actually folk like him that are high risk and the speeding drivers are actually far far less likely to cause an accident, that is provided they can manage to keep out of his way!


The figure of 94% is correct, but your following logic is not. The only thing this figure tells you is that speed is a major cause of most accidents, it doesn't mean that being a driver who speeds somehow makes you safer (and frankly I think most drivers speed at some point).


---------- Post added 09-01-2015 at 16:37 ----------


I do just drive as I should, that`s what I said, or meant to. I generally don`t let speeding drivers affect how I drive one way or the other, other than if someone is tailgating me, then I might slowly let my speed drift down.


On the speed estimation thing : My estimated av speed 19.5mph and actual speed 17.8mph (approx 9% out).


A 9% error when estimating the speed of vehicles going at 20mph (approx) whilst you are stationary.


This tells us nothing about your ability to estimate higher speeds, whilst yourself driving another vehicle at some speed or other.

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