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Motorways, "middle lane hoggers" ?

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I would think it's because of the law that states L plate drivers are not allowed on the motorway, hence no tuition. I don't think it applies to lorry's as I've seen learner trucks on the motorway, unless I'm wrong and they were being driven by full licence holders.

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I would think it's because of the law that states L plate drivers are not allowed on the motorway, hence no tuition. I don't think it applies to lorry's as I've seen learner trucks on the motorway, unless I'm wrong and they were being driven by full licence holders.


You cant learn to drive a truck without being a full licence holder thus entitling them to drive where they want.They are not learning to drive,they are learning to drive a truck a big difference.

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One hour used to be appropriate, maybe it still is (subject however to modern/current levels of traffic, which could result in more time required to test various road scenarios).



At least the driving of larger vans and minibuses now needs another test, I am driving a 15 seater on an ordinary license, cannot do that these days

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Adding a ounce of seriousness to the thread, I do too. I really don't understand why motorway driving (or at least NSL dual carriageway driving) and driving at night are not tested as part of the driving test. Motorway driving is so different to many other types of roads you go on, I've seen people STOP on the sliproad trying to join and wait for a gap! If that isn't dangerous then I have no idea what is...your awareness needs to be different on a motorway, if you are one of those middle lane hoggers, you need to be aware both left and right of cars at speed, something you wouldn't really get anywhere else.


Motorway driving in the driving test could be difficult for some, for example if you live in west Cornwall the closest motorway is roughly a 220 mile round trip to East Devon.

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Hang on Ron, surely it's:


Lane 1 - lorries

Lane 2 - people who can't drive

Lane 3 - german cars


Not sure wher I stand. I have an American car but drive with a German attitude but having a 3 litre automatic 4x4 with loud exhaust and I have to think about fuel conservancy.

Which lane please?

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Not sure wher I stand. I have an American car but drive with a German attitude but having a 3 litre automatic 4x4 with loud exhaust and I have to think about fuel conservancy.

Which lane please?


Straddle lanes 2&3 with your fog lights on whilst texting.

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