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Motorways, "middle lane hoggers" ?

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People seem to dislike being overtaken, it's like it's a criticism of the choices they've made or something... So despite it being against the law, they try to stop you.


(Not all people, just some).


It's many, many people. Perhaps it because they have a tiny little winkle that they have a problem.

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Funnily enough, I'm rarely mad at them. It's the drivers who do not overtake them when free and clear to do so safely, and who do not leave a sufficient interval for others to do so at the time, that get my contempt.


I generally find the rage builds a little when you enter a 30 limit, and the old biddy roars off into the distance still doing the same 45mph they were doing through the 60 limit :rant::rant:.


It 's the drivers who close ranks when you are trying to overtake who make it very difficult, that really get my goat. I'm not not sure what goes through their minds.


Not very much I'd wager, perhaps a light breeze blows through their empty skull just before they attempt to cause a crash?

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The thing that annoys me is people who assume they have the right to join a motorway. At whatever speed they choose.


I don't know what it is but in the last five to ten years it seems that people just pony up and expect the entire motorway to accommodate their joaining at 20mph less than everyone else. Or worse still, they want to join at the same speed, but ideally between two trucks. Why should everyone else have to accommodate them, when they can - or should but are incapable - look to see where the traffic is, and then match speeds to join behind lumps of traffic....


Had one fool today decide they were going to join at about 40mph, with a bigger fool a car length behind him. They were happy to just shove their way out into three lanes of heavy traffic doing 70 - queue much braking and swearing. If they had been spaced correctly, and managed to press the loud pedal a bit more no one would even remember the twerp in the large Merc. From the comments of one guy he's probably been followed to the office and been keyed multiple times now...

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I generally find the rage builds a little when you enter a 30 limit, and the old biddy roars off into the distance still doing the same 45mph they were doing through the 60 limit :rant::rant:.




Not very much I'd wager, perhaps a light breeze blows through their empty skull just before they attempt to cause a crash?


Are you trying to wind me up just before I go home? :hihi: Those 45mph everywhere people really get me.

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Not very much I'd wager, perhaps a light breeze blows through their empty skull just before they attempt to cause a crash?
There is nothing that winds me up more than that manoeuvre. Nothing. It's the full-on claret-red rag to the L00b bull, with the associated knee jerk reaction: anyone ever pulls that stunt on me, then if I'm properly committed to the overtake, either they brake and fall back as I gradually but steadfastly squeeze them over (within the space where I normally would complete the manoeuvre, had they not accelerated), or they're getting shoved off: I ain't dropping anchor in the oncoming lane as I'm overtaking, and checking their 6 and continue checking my 12 to see if there's enough space to get back behind them, and running an assessment that the driver following them is aware that I need to get back behind <etc, etc.>


Soon as I perceive their accelerating during the overtake, I start pulling over. They can slow down or get taken out: their choice. I'd sooner rubbing paint/metal badly than a head-on.


There's a couple of (elderly) drivers who made that mistake with me once.




£10 to £0.01 they've never done it to anyone else since, that I can tell you. I wouldn't have paid for their wet-dry cleaning, either.

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There is nothing that winds me up more than that manoeuvre. Nothing. It's the full-on claret-red rag to the L00b bull, with the associated knee jerk reaction: anyone ever pulls that stunt on me, then if I'm properly committed to the overtake, either they brake and fall back as I gradually but steadfastly squeeze them over (within the space where I normally would complete the manoeuvre, had they not accelerated), or they're getting shoved off: I ain't dropping anchor in the oncoming lane as I'm overtaking, and checking their 6 and continue checking my 12 to see if there's enough space to get back behind them, and running an assessment that the driver following them is aware that I need to get back behind <etc, etc.>


Soon as I perceive their accelerating during the overtake, I start pulling over. They can slow down or get taken out: their choice. I'd sooner rubbing paint/metal badly than a head-on.


There's a couple of (elderly) drivers who made that mistake with me once.




£10 to £0.01 they've never done it to anyone else since, that I can tell you. I wouldn't have paid for their wet-dry cleaning, either.


Ouch Loob. I know what you mean but I don't think I'd be prepared to effectively play chicken with another car no matter how wound up I was. I've jammed the breaks on before now to scare a tailgater and that's pretty effective, especially when accompanied by a polite wave and smile, but I'd always base that on how far behind they are, if they were absolutely on my tail I'd never risk it!

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There is nothing that winds me up more than that manoeuvre. Nothing. It's the full-on claret-red rag to the L00b bull, with the associated knee jerk reaction: anyone ever pulls that stunt on me, then if I'm properly committed to the overtake, either they brake and fall back as I gradually but steadfastly squeeze them over (within the space where I normally would complete the manoeuvre, had they not accelerated), or they're getting shoved off: I ain't dropping anchor in the oncoming lane as I'm overtaking, and checking their 6 and continue checking my 12 to see if there's enough space to get back behind them, and running an assessment that the driver following them is aware that I need to get back behind <etc, etc.>


Soon as I perceive their accelerating during the overtake, I start pulling over. They can slow down or get taken out: their choice. I'd sooner rubbing paint/metal badly than a head-on.


There's a couple of (elderly) drivers who made that mistake with me once.




£10 to £0.01 they've never done it to anyone else since, that I can tell you. I wouldn't have paid for their wet-dry cleaning, either.


Someone tried squeezing me out like that once. He tried to get ahead of me in a zip merge when every other person had been happy to do the my lane one car, other lane one car, my lane one car etc...


He was so so frightened of getting his paintwork scuffed on a tatty landrover that he drove it into a building. Why he didn't stop is beyond me. I didn't even know he was there until the despairing honk....


---------- Post added 11-01-2016 at 16:49 ----------


Ouch Loob. I know what you mean but I don't think I'd be prepared to effectively play chicken with another car no matter how wound up I was. I've jammed the breaks on before now to scare a tailgater and that's pretty effective, especially when accompanied by a polite wave and smile, but I'd always base that on how far behind they are, if they were absolutely on my tail I'd never risk it!


Push throttle down and jab brake. You don't lose any speed and it makes them back off... (top tip from SYP that)

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