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Motorways, "middle lane hoggers" ?

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There are two different points to be made here.


One is that you should keep left unless overtaking, and if you hog the middle lane, you're breaking the highway code.


The other is that, if you're driving at the speed limit and hogging the middle or outside lane, you're not causing a problem. By definition, nobody can overtake you anyway.


Only if you pretend that a) your speedo is 100% accurate, and b) nobody ever goes faster than 70 mph.


The first is just unlikely, the 2nd we know is not true.

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I just use the fast lane, 70-90 mph, nip into the middle if someone is doing 100 behind me then hit the fast lane again. Job done. I just wish we had the autobahn rules here.


The autobahn rules which only work because the drivers there have good lane discipline and don't sit in the left lane when they are not over taking anyone.

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Definition of a middle-lane hogger: One who can be undertaken!! If you stay in the middle lane because another vehicle is coming up, then fine, they won't undertake you, will they?

I do believe that it shouldn't be illegal to undertake (or driving without consideration, or other law). I believe that it should be illegal to be undertaken! People would be more likely to stay left(?!).


I did know someone who believed that you should drive at 50mph in the first lane, 60 mph in the 2nd & 70mph in the 3rd!! No one could convince him how dangerous it was, or wrong, even when showing him the highway code!!


There are some idiots out there....

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I did know someone who believed that you should drive at 50mph in the first lane, 60 mph in the 2nd & 70mph in the 3rd!! No one could convince him how dangerous it was, or wrong, even when showing him the highway code!
Would that be the same person who, for some unfathomable reason, seems to follow my every move and is somehow always in front of me on motorway slipways, getting on the motorway at between 40 to 50 mph? :rant:




Motorway training should be a compulsory part of driver training and testing. Like it has been for decades in most other EU States. Very very long overdue.

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Whenever I travel on the motorway I use my sat nav to check my speed and it reads exactly 4mph below my speedometer so you are absolutely correct. If someone is using their car's speedometer and hogging the middle lane at 65mph, thinking their doing 70mph and I'm coming up behind actually doing 70mph it really does annoy me. It's a well known fact that car speedometers are actually calibrated to read a few mph below your actual speed to give you a bit of leeway. Just keep to the left unless overtaking, simple. I hate having to travel in the right hand lane to overtake a middle lane driver.


I think you mean "above" :)

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Would that be the same person who, for some unfathomable reason, seems to follow my every move and is somehow always in front of me on motorway slipways, getting on the motorway at between 40 to 50 mph? :rant:




Motorway training should be a compulsory part of driver training and testing. Like it has been for decades in most other EU States. Very very long overdue.


What if you don't live anywhere near a motorway..Scotland north of Perth,East Anglia,Central Wales etc...

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What if you don't live anywhere near a motorway..Scotland north of Perth,East Anglia,Central Wales etc...

Then you can't pass your test. Or you travel a long way to pass it. The Law is the Law and all that...


How do you think people in Europe, who also happen to live a long way from motorways, have been getting on with it? A close friend of mine in France had to travel 70 miles on B roads to go pass her test, which includes a section of motorway driving (this is compulsory). That was 15 years ago.


I passed mine 20 years ago, likewise it included a section of motorway driving (which was a bit epic: 3 candidates and an inspector in a Citroen AX 1.0 diesel, it was a bit tough to get the thing to 130km/h on the slipway for joining the M'way! Thank God it was windy and the slipway was downhill :hihi: ...or I'd have failed my test :gag:).

Edited by L00b
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Like someone has said, a middle lane hogger is someone who sits in the middle lane with a queue befind them and is driving as the same speed or slower than people in the left hand lane.


Also YES you can be given points from the police at the side of the road.

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