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Motorways, "middle lane hoggers" ?

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Only if you pretend that a) your speedo is 100% accurate, and b) nobody ever goes faster than 70 mph.


The first is just unlikely, the 2nd we know is not true.


The point about inaccurate speedos is correct, but an indicated 75mph is more or less 70mph (as near as makes no significant difference) in every car I`ve ever had, so an indicated 75mph is what I do.


On the second point, nobody should be going over 70mph anyway, if anything they should be grateful you`re saving them from possible prosecution.

What is impossible to take is for these other drivers (who actually want to break the law) flashing you, i.e. implying you`re doing something wrong, when what they`re doing is far more serious. In fact I can`t think of a more hypocritical action than for any motorist who "flashes" someone in the middle lane if they`re already doing the speed limit.

Quite apart from anything else, if they want to break the law, they can always overtake you in the outside lane. Driving up your a**e and flashing you whilst you`re doing the speed limit in the middle lane is absolutely pathetic. It`s also counterproductive. If I`m ever in the outside lane I`m usually looking for the first chance to get out of it, unless some git flashes me, then I`ll stay in there longer.

Edited by Justin Smith
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The point about inaccurate speedos is correct, but an indicated 75mph is more or less 70mph (as near as makes no significant difference) in every car I`ve ever had, so an indicated 75mph is what I do.


On the second point, nobody should be going over 70mph anyway, if anything they should be grateful you`re saving them from possible prosecution.

What is impossible to take is for these other drivers (who actually want to break the law) flashing you, i.e. implying you`re doing something wrong, when what they`re doing is far more serious. In fact I can`t think of a more hypocritical action than for any motorist who "flashes" someone in the middle lane if they`re already doing the speed limit.

Quite apart from anything else, if they want to break the law, they can always overtake you in the outside lane. Driving up your a**e and flashing you whilst you`re doing the speed limit in the middle lane is absolutely pathetic. It`s also counterproductive. If I`m ever in the outside lane I`m usually looking for the first chance to get out of it, unless some git flashes me, then I`ll stay in there longer.


NO. You are very wrong.


Im sure the drivers who go at 80mph, KNOW they are breaking the law. They are not implying you are doing something wrong, you ARE doing something wrong, they're telling you that.


Its doesnt make sense to say it is impossible for speeders to accept they are doing something far more serious, in a thread where we are discussing how serious it is. I think middle lane hogging is far more serious.


I agree it is hypocritical for speeders to flash, but only slightly, and its not your job to police them especially when it isnt affecting you, but it is their job to tell you when it is effecting them and the other road users behind you.


"They can overtake you on the outside lane" is a very poor point and shows you dont understand. You are forcing two lanes of traffic into one lane for no reason. This is very dangerous, it causes people to change their speed and direction and have to bunch up, two lanes into one means the 3rd lane has to slow considerably to maintain safe distances. This creates a massive knock on effect that can lead to accidents.


Saying flashing is pathetic is not useful, it doesnt add to the discussion or help anyone understand your point.


Flashing you is only counterproductive because you make it counterproductive. You should not actively construct a situation where other people find it necessary to do so.


Intentionally slowing in a passing lane to annoy other drivers makes you a very dangerous driver. You are also making our roads inefficient which has a monetary cost on the economy and you are adding to the frustration of driving for many people.


I bet many speeders can state why they speed. Why do you unnecessarily middle lane hog?

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I love driving in Germany, they are such good drivers, very efficient and courteous.


I estimate they get more traffic down a two lane road than we in the UK get down a 3 lane motorway.


Everyone stays in the 1st lane travelling at a good speed, with people who wish to pass, passing quickly then pulling back in again. Drivers dont hang in the 2nd lane, almost like they agree you have to be travelling at least 15 mph faster than the car you're passing or else its not worth it.


We should take a lesson from them.

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I love driving in Germany, they are such good drivers, very efficient and courteous.


I estimate they get more traffic down a two lane road than we in the UK get down a 3 lane motorway.


Everyone stays in the 1st lane travelling at a good speed, with people who wish to pass, passing quickly then pulling back in again. Drivers dont hang in the 2nd lane, almost like they agree you have to be travelling at least 15 mph faster than the car you're passing or else its not worth it.


We should take a lesson from them.


You are having a laugh. Aren't you?

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NO. You are very wrong.


Im sure the drivers who go at 80mph, KNOW they are breaking the law. They are not implying you are doing something wrong, you ARE doing something wrong, they're telling you that.


Its doesnt make sense to say it is impossible for speeders to accept they are doing something far more serious, in a thread where we are discussing how serious it is. I think middle lane hogging is far more serious.


I agree it is hypocritical for speeders to flash, but only slightly, and its not your job to police them especially when it isnt affecting you, but it is their job to tell you when it is effecting them and the other road users behind you.


"They can overtake you on the outside lane" is a very poor point and shows you dont understand. You are forcing two lanes of traffic into one lane for no reason. This is very dangerous, it causes people to change their speed and direction and have to bunch up, two lanes into one means the 3rd lane has to slow considerably to maintain safe distances. This creates a massive knock on effect that can lead to accidents.


Saying flashing is pathetic is not useful, it doesnt add to the discussion or help anyone understand your point.


Flashing you is only counterproductive because you make it counterproductive. You should not actively construct a situation where other people find it necessary to do so.


Intentionally slowing in a passing lane to annoy other drivers makes you a very dangerous driver. You are also making our roads inefficient which has a monetary cost on the economy and you are adding to the frustration of driving for many people.


I bet many speeders can state why they speed. Why do you unnecessarily middle lane hog?


This is a Forum answer.

I`ve never heard anyone in the real world say that driving in the middle lane (assuming your doing the speed limit or close to it), is "more serious" than speeding, i.e. breaking the law.


I`ll not be intimidated by anyone, and if driving at 70mph in any lane is dangerous it`s only because the arrogant git behind is breaking the law, which automatically puts him (because it usually is a him) in the wrong.


You`re not reading what I`m saying anyway. I don`t spend all day in the middle lane, but equally I try to limit how often I change lanes, that`s a good move when there are prats on the motorways overtaking on the inside and others (in fact sometimes the same ones) doing 100mph. Changing lanes for only 10 or 20 seconds is pointless, particularly if you`re doing the speed limit anyway.


The moment anyone says that driving at "only" 70mph is "dangerous", this thread is starting to get silly.

Edited by Justin Smith
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Its simple- if your not overtaking you should be in the left hand lane- no matter what speed your vehicle is legally allowed to do!


If you ever pull into the other 2 lanes it should be to overtake ONLY- and then you move over to the far left lane again when its safe to do so.



Anyone doing different to that are totally irresponsible and are risking both their own and other road users lifes by there stupidity!!!


Its not hard!


That's what you should do.... however, that rule was written when the motorways were a lot less busy. Nowadays when I use most motorways during the day, there is simply not enough room for everyone in the inside lane. just not possible, it would end in carnage or a total standstill. It is still possible to fit all traffic in one lane during the night, allowing for people wanting to drive at different speeds by overtaking.

Out of interest, does anyone know what percentage of accidents on motorways happen as a result of lane changing? ie. following the rules not the road conditions.

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Changing lane without checking first is a major contributor to accidents, as is tail gating. That doesn't mean that you should sit in the middle lane for no reason though.


If there's no space to move back into the left hand lane, then you're still driving correctly.

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This is a Forum answer.

I`ve never heard anyone in the real world say that driving in the middle lane (assuming your doing the speed limit or close to it), is "more serious" than speeding, i.e. breaking the law.


I`ll not be intimidated by anyone, and if driving at 70mph in any lane is dangerous it`s only because the arrogant git behind is breaking the law, which automatically puts him (because it usually is a him) in the wrong.

You keep conveniently ignoring the fact that you're speedo probably isn't all that accurate. You're basically in no position to comment on or judge the legality of someone else's driving. Just drive as correctly as you can, and let everyone else worry about themselves.

Which includes observing good lane discipline.


You`re not reading what I`m saying anyway. I don`t spend all day in the middle lane, but equally I try to limit how often I change lanes, that`s a good move when there are prats on the motorways overtaking on the inside and others (in fact sometimes the same ones) doing 100mph.

How hypocritical, you complain about others bad behaviour whilst using it to justify your own.

Changing lanes for only 10 or 20 seconds is pointless, particularly if you`re doing the speed limit anyway.

10 I'd give you, it's border line. 20, there's no question, you should.


The moment anyone says that driving at "only" 70mph is "dangerous", this thread is starting to get silly.

Driving at any speed in the wrong lane is more dangerous than driving at that speed in the correct (ie left most) lane.

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I wonder if doing it on purpose like some have admitted on here would make the penalty worse?


The ex traffic cop that I knew was of the opinion that if you admitted doing it on purpose, and said that you'd already observed that the hard shoulder was clear, he'd let you go.

If you claim you hadn't noticed I'd hope that they'd refuse to allow you back on the road, as observational skills that poor would be dangerous.

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The point about inaccurate speedos is correct, but an indicated 75mph is more or less 70mph (as near as makes no significant difference) in every car I`ve ever had, so an indicated 75mph is what I do.


On the second point, nobody should be going over 70mph anyway, if anything they should be grateful you`re saving them from possible prosecution.

What is impossible to take is for these other drivers (who actually want to break the law) flashing you, i.e. implying you`re doing something wrong

You are. Do you think it's justified because you can point out that they are also doing something wrong? What a bizarre argument.

, when what they`re doing is far more serious.

You think doing 80mph is more serious than poor lane discipline? I don't.

In fact I can`t think of a more hypocritical action than for any motorist who "flashes" someone in the middle lane if they`re already doing the speed limit.

I can. It's that someone in the middle lane who thinks that doing the speed limit means they can ignore the instruction from the highway code to drive in the left most lane except when over taking.

Quite apart from anything else, if they want to break the law, they can always overtake you in the outside lane. Driving up your a**e and flashing you whilst you`re doing the speed limit in the middle lane is absolutely pathetic. It`s also counterproductive. If I`m ever in the outside lane I`m usually looking for the first chance to get out of it, unless some git flashes me, then I`ll stay in there longer.

Well done, you behave like a child when driving a car, I'm sure that makes us all feel much safer!

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