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Good on yer Boris

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London mayor Boris Johnson today said that he intended to block "Kosovo style social cleansing" of poorer people from London as a result of the housing benefit cuts being introduced by the ConDems.



Never thought I'd say this but good on yer Boris, pity you bottled it later though when your Eton/Bullingdon chum got his big stick out and threatened to put you back in your place.

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He is using Ken style language fearing the political power this will hand to Ken at the next election. Do we really believe Bojo really truly cares about 'oiks'?


On a potentially uglier note, if there are non contributing households of non working poor taking up space in an overcrowded city and places like Hastings have empty properties and capacity why shouldn't they be relocated? If you place your life in the hands of the state then you can't moan when the state says "we will continue to pay for everything you have and do but it will have to be somewhere else"?

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There's a really ugly shift going on in what's considered acceptable. The rampantly individualistic culture has become so sociopathic in nature that people are reduced to economic units only. There is a creep towards outright social apartheid. People have criticised his comparison, but all such conflicts start with the normalisation of dehumanising ideas such as this one. It's a slippery slope.



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Well for all the faux outrage about ghettoisation it already exists. Poor people live on the Manor estate or Pitsmoor and wealthy people live in Dore or Millhouses. In London the poor live in Lambeth, Haringey and Hackney, all within zones 1-3 and the better off live in Pinner and Harrow in zones 4-6. It's always been a fact of life.


There are two types of poor people, those who work and are still part of mainstream society and those who simply don't care and don't work. I have no sadness about the second group being exiled to Margate or Hastings. If they don't work it doesn't matter where they live. If they do work then they must stay in the city where their job is. It's about being tough but taking note of circumstances rather than blanket groupings.

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There's a really ugly shift going on in what's considered acceptable. The rampantly individualistic culture has become so sociopathic in nature that people are reduced to economic units only. There is a creep towards outright social apartheid. People have criticised his comparison, but all such conflicts start with the normalisation of dehumanising ideas such as this one. It's a slippery slope.




But surely this is what being a conservative is all about.


In principle, I have no objection to the HB being capped, but it should be phased in to all new tenants. The people affected, may have lived there for years. Its not just a house, its their home, which, after all, was clearly let to them within the rules at the time.

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400 a week rent cap...it should be 400 a month....what working man in london can afford 1,600 a month in rent....turf out the scroungers in houses over a grand a month and put them in the high rises in london...


The high-rises in London are already full, everywhere is, that's the problem, too many people and not enough houses. Lost of working people in London pay 1,600 a month rent, and much more, getting rid of the "scroungers" isn't going to help them really, landlords will charge working people the same amount.

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The high-rises in London are already full, everywhere is, that's the problem, too many people and not enough houses. Lost of working people in London pay 1,600 a month rent, and much more, getting rid of the "scroungers" isn't going to help them really, landlords will charge working people the same amount.



not being harsh but why should we up here...subsidise people living in flash houses in the smoke to the tune of £20,000 a year.....must be mugs renting at 400 a week....come up here...our council houses are a lot cheaper..

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not being harsh but why should we up here...subsidise people living in flash houses in the smoke to the tune of £20,000 a year.....must be mugs renting at 400 a week....come up here...our council houses are a lot cheaper..


We don't have enough council houses now for our own needs let alone housing a huge number of people from London. and how much do you think you personally are "subsidising" these people compared to the average working Londoner ?

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We don't have enough council houses now for our own needs let alone housing a huge number of people from London. and how much do you think you personally are "subsidising" these people compared to the average working Londoner ?




too much if they are costing us all 400 a week....be cheaper to put up the old style pre-fabs...and house them in those....

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