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Will the NHS treat a British Citizan who's visiting from Canada?

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i Have tried but can not get intouch with nhs.can anyone tell me for shore.

i was born in england have always had a uk passport. if i make a trip back to uk will i be covered by NHS.


hi roy if you lived in canada since 1976 you will be a resident of that country and will have too pay for nhs treatment my wife and i moved too cyprus for 18months came back had too pay for an opp for my wife 6000pounds makes you wonder why you pay tax and stamps all your life good luck anyway hope you get it sorted

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Roy: even in a worst case scenario in which you ended up paying for medical treatment in the uk, your province should reimburse you the equivalent of what it would cost to have the same treatment in Canada. That's the policy in PEI and I imagine it will be the same for other provinces. So, you'd wind up paying the difference if there is any. When I travel to the States, it is something that concerns me because medical costs are so much more expensive there, but the cost of medical treatment in the uk may not be a lot different from in Canada.

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Hi Roy, further to my reply I have been on the NHS site today and typed in the search box the following-


Am I entitled to NHS treatment when I visit England.


The result is-


ER treatment. Regardless of how long you are staying or your nationality, you are entitled to free NHS emergency treatment from-


. A primary care practice, such as a GP surgery

. An A&E department

. An NHS walk in centre.


If you have to be admitted to hospital the rules are different. Go on to the NHS site for full details. I would also check with your Provincial health plan.




I wrote to them some years ago and they mailed me full details. The address at that time was in Leeds, perhaps someone who reads this will inform you if it is still in Leeds.



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