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Will the NHS treat a British Citizan who's visiting from Canada?

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Just thought I'd jump in to ask a question while this is up top :) do any of you expats vote back in your old country if you're still a citizen , like a write-in vote ?


I am quoting from the year 2008, I do not know if the rules have changed.


An expat can register to vote. This is possible for anyone who left Britain in the last 15 years.

Once registered you can vote from overseas, by proxy, by post or by returning to the UK and voting in person on election day- but it is important that you have registered.


To register, go on-line to the Electoral Commission at http://www.aboutmyvote.co.uk Or


http://www.dontleaveyourvoteathome.com (This is politically sponsored)


Phone or write. Details on request.



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hi Cynthia,Yes i did know that . After 14 years of Tony blair & Gordon brown it does not matter who gets in it is too late, I read the british news paper every week.Although i will always be british after being here 34 years .I lthink the country as we knew it , is finished, Roy.

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