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Question about racism

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I am flattered you take an interest.


But for someone kicked out of the BNP for being too extreme it does not require a degree in logic to work out you know what I am talking about.


So you follow up with a non sequitur. I was required to leave the Party because of irreconcilable political differences, you then assert that these irreconcilable differences equate to extremism (an assertion without any evidentiary basis, a bit of a pattern you seem to follow)



I was required to part company with the BNP ergo I must know what you are talking about !


I would be amazed to discover that YOU know what you are talking about.


A non sequitur indeed !

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All I want is for everyone to get along, be nice and have a good life. But that appears to be too much to ask.


To the Islamaphobes - for every brown-skinned suicide bomber or 'terrorist', there is a white skinned paedophile, child murderer, Catholic Priest fond of little altar boys.


There is good and bad in all races, all backgrounds, all sexes, all religions. What about 'Baby P's' parents- why aren't they called terrorists? They abused an innocent child until he died. Does that mean all white English people are child abusing murderers? Of course not. But it's funny how you can see they are a minority when they're the same colour as you.


It reminds me of one of the threads on here about halal meat being served in a KFC. There was uproar from some - how dare 'they' come here and change the English way of life! Without realising that it's the Americans that have been taking over our way of life for decades. It just seemed to me that because the Americans are the same skin-colour as us, it's seen as ok that they force their fast-food restuarants and coffee-shops on us. The moment some brown people from over seas do something, the anger rises.


The Stranger



The Stranger within my gate,

He may be true or kind,

But he does not talk my talk--

I cannot feel his mind.

I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,

But not the soul behind.


The men of my own stock,

They may do ill or well,

But they tell the lies I am wanted to,

They are used to the lies I tell;

And we do not need interpreters

When we go to buy or sell.


The Stranger within my gates,

He may be evil or good,

But I cannot tell what powers control--

What reasons sway his mood;

Nor when the Gods of his far-off land

Shall repossess his blood.


The men of my own stock,

Bitter bad they may be,

But, at least, they hear the things I hear,

And see the things I see;

And whatever I think of them and their likes

They think of the likes of me.


This was my father's belief

And this is also mine:

Let the corn be all one sheaf--

And the grapes be all one vine,

Ere our children's teeth are set on edge

By bitter bread and wine.


Rudyard Kipling

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It reminds me of one of the threads on here about halal meat being served in a KFC. There was uproar from some - how dare 'they' come here and change the English way of life! Without realising that it's the Americans that have been taking over our way of life for decades. It just seemed to me that because the Americans are the same skin-colour as us, it's seen as ok that they force their fast-food restuarants and coffee-shops on us. The moment some brown people from over seas do something, the anger rises.


Americans have the same skin colour as us(I assume you mean white)?

That's probably news to their President and a huge chunk of their population.


That aside you raise an important point. There is a huge ammount of resentment all over the world about choice when the choice is provided by foreigners. I would no more eat halal meat than I would buy battery farmed eggs so any business that uses either does not get my custom. That's my choice and businesses make a call on how many customers they gain/lose and the profit and loss involved - it's free markets at work. The idea that americans have forced KFC or McDonalds on us is just as silly as the idea that muslims have forced halal curry houses on us. They offer a product, if we want to buy it we can, if not we don't.


If anyone is forced to adopt foreign dietry habits then that is a different matter and a legitimate thing to fight, say Burger King was to be the sole food provider in a prison or a school was to sell only halal meals then there is cause to object but however vile halal food and american junk food is it's in the vast majority of cases a matter of choice, not compulsion.

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Americans have the same skin colour as us(I assume you mean white)?

That's probably news to their President and a huge chunk of their population.


That aside you raise an important point. There is a huge ammount of resentment all over the world about choice when the choice is provided by foreigners. I would no more eat halal meat than I would buy battery farmed eggs so any business that uses either does not get my custom. That's my choice and businesses make a call on how many customers they gain/lose and the profit and loss involved - it's free markets at work. The idea that americans have forced KFC or McDonalds on us is just as silly as the idea that muslims have forced halal curry houses on us. They offer a product, if we want to buy it we can, if not we don't.


If anyone is forced to adopt foreign dietry habits then that is a different matter and a legitimate thing to fight, say Burger King was to be the sole food provider in a prison or a school was to sell only halal meals then there is cause to object but however vile halal food and american junk food is it's in the vast majority of cases a matter of choice, not compulsion.


Ok, 'force' might be the wrong word. But my main point was that people were in uproar that one of the KFC restaurants were going to be serving halal chicken, which upset some English people who complained that the Muslims were diluting Englishness again, without realising KFC is an American chain.


It seemed to be ok that American culture has flooded in to Britain, but why is that? Why is ok for America to destroy the British way of life, but not anyone else?


And on your first point - I wasn't necessarily meaning "white" America. Over here it seems to be a case of white first, black second and brown behind them. Or at least in my experience and view on it. I'm not saying I'm right, it's just how I see it.

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If I'd said that bassman would have denounced me as a savage :hihi:


Hang on, I remember coming in to a do at the end of your order, when you mentioned beans, had I known that human had preceded it I wouldn't have taken my seat. :hihi:


I am only this far with this thread, however as my old mate b/f says, tossers come in all colours, shapes and sizes. However neither of us ever let our ethnicity, size or gender get in the way of us being a right pair of tossers. :rolleyes:

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Hang on, I remember coming in to a do at the end of your order, when you mentioned beans, had I known that human had preceded it I wouldn't have taken my seat. :hihi:
...dem old white folks is a bit too gristly for my delicate palate though ;)

I am only this far with this thread, however as my old mate b/f says, tossers come in all colours, shapes and sizes. However neither of us ever let our ethnicity, size or gender get in the way of us being a right pair of tossers. :rolleyes:

I've 1st class honours in that particular discpline :rolleyes:
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lol mel, trust you to come up with a Q like that.. It's also funny how nobody really directly answers the question.


I think racism, along with other forms of prejudice, is one of those issues with marginal subjectivity i.e - yes, people are inclined to their opinions, as to define racism and 'what creates a racist' however, I think people generally know wheather or not someone is being racist; an act of which, would make that person a racist one.


I could elaborate alot more, but will keep it short and relatively sweet :)

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lol mel, trust you to come up with a Q like that.. It's also funny how nobody really directly answers the question.


I think racism, along with other forms of prejudice, is one of those issues with marginal subjectivity i.e - yes, people are inclined to their opinions, as to define racism and 'what creates a racist' however, I think people generally know wheather or not someone is being racist; an act of which, would make that person a racist one.


I could elaborate alot more, but will keep it short and relatively sweet :)


yeah id keep it short or youll be arguing about it for another 5 years :suspect:

and yeah they NEVER answer the questions lol, just aimlessy drift off into the usual spiel

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