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Question about racism

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At the moment im reading a book, a book called "the day the country died" about 80's anarcho punk bands.

I have just finished the section about AYS (admit your ****) who released one 7" and 1 12" o Conflicts Motarhate record label.


Anyway thats the background to what got me thinking today.


There apparently has been a lot of controversy over AYS and the beliefs of the singer over the years due to the band being friends with Conflict, being a big part of the anarcho punk scene (which is very anti racist / anti facist).


Apparently the singer was a member of the British Movement even before he joined the band so his beliefs arent a new thing.

He has very rigid views about race and white power apparently.


He says his views arent born out of hate (against other races) but actually out of love (for his own race)

its an interesting way of putting it, but im not sure i believe it.


To me, ive always viewed racism and racists thus.


A love of their own race ABOVE other races, a deep hatred and suspicion of other races.

also i believe theres aspects of paranoia and a feeling of inadequacy creeping in which helps create the suspicion which leads to hatred


anybody got any others views on what creates a racist?


The perfect definition. The feeling of paranoia and inadequacy is particularly obvious when you look at the social makeup of BNP supporters. Usually bottom of the pile whites AKA chavs, pikeys or white trash. E.g. thick as pudding and needing someone to blame for their own failings. Particularly inflamed to see equally uneducated immigrants work their way up.


You could say another definition is someone who simply hates difference e.g. white Irish are no different racially to white English but their slight cultural differences wound up some before more different whites like Jews turned up. These people really blew a fuse when non whites turned up.

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I can't remember how many times I have said Im not racist but pro my own race, its just others that can't see the distinction.

So to me it makes perfect sense 'his views arent born out of hate (against other races) but actually out of love (for his own race)'


Now maybe I am wrong and there is no distinction, maybe that is what racism actually is ?

All I can say is being 'pro' your own race/culture seems a natural instinct to me and 'racism' is just if your beliefs cause others outside of your group harm or hurt but you should be able to be negative towards any group if its conflictual with your own, - does that makes sense to anyone ?

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I can't remember how many times I have said Im not racist but pro my own race, its just others that can't see the distinction.

So to me it makes perfect sense 'his views arent born out of hate (against other races) but actually out of love (for his own race)'


Now maybe I am wrong and there is no distinction, maybe that is what racism actually is ?

All I can say is being 'pro' your own race/culture seems a natural instinct to me and 'racism' is just if your beliefs cause others outside of your group harm or hurt but you should be able to be negative towards any group if its conflictual with your own, - does that makes sense to anyone ?


My view would be that if you're using racial metrics to determine who is "yours" then that would be racist... ie it's based on race. As an example our greatest threat at the moment comes from islamic extremists and they come in all races. Several islamic extremist terrorist attempted attacks have been perpetrated by our race. Should we look on islamic terrorists more kindly because of their skin colour? I think not.


What we think of as "our race" if we think about it in general comes down to people who share our values and there will be people of all races who share our values and people of our own race who do not share our values.


I really think MLK got it right in the content of the hearts concept - judge people on their words and actions, not the colour of their skin.

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The survival of any group throughout history has been about commonality. Its not so much race but about culture, its just that race and culture often goes hand in hand.


Ask me if I want Sir Trevor McDonald or Richard Reid as a neighbour and I'll go for the chap with different skin pigmentation every time.

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Oh yes, thought the name was familiar. But he choose to live the life of a different culture as sir Trev adopted ours, and that the distinction for me.

I think most Afro Caribbean people don't find it a problem fitting in here as a lot of there culture has a great deal of influence from us being a former colony, and there is not the complication of an alien religion to us like Islam is, where the cultural distinction is so different and seemingly wanting to be kept that way by the very religion the believe (my opinion).

I have no problem with skin colour at all, I am pro white because I am white, but not to the degree where I think Im any better than a black person. It just pays to look out for ones own and that can include others of a different race/colour if there's enough commonality.


Anyhow its late for me,early rise and the more tired I get the more foggy it comes across what Im actually trying to say, so for today, good night.

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