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Why do so many SF members hate teachers?

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How many teachers actually leave the job ??? Plenty of 'em grumble but how many actually leave and forge a succesful career elsewhere ??? Their terms of employment are second to none, job security is literally for life, and as for the holidays, well.................


I'll phone my sister in law later and tell her she didn't spend the summer looking for a job then shall I? :roll:

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Sheffield Forum: Mecca to the ill-informed.



32 years in local govt where ive been through "responding to change" ,"best value revues" ,"change for change sake ":hihi: ,"pay and grading" :huh: and seen staff numbers cut whilst work load has risen and i`ve never seen teachers affected by any of them,seen them threaten to walk out if they were as much as as asked to take part in them though ,also seen there job made easier with the numbers of class room assistants (who by the way have suffered all the above)


so your so well informed you tell me where ive got it wrong please

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I have asked this question in the past and received no replies.


At the risk of answering my own question, I would say it is because the teachers who regularly reply on here seem (for whatever reason) to be particularly defensive about their profession. I have found personally that the teachers that respond to specific questions (and not just to any thread that has the word 'teacher' in the title) are the more helpful.


If a poster does not receive an 'understandable' reply they will ask another question. They do this to clarify for themselves that they understand the answer - although there are inevitably exceptions and we all know who you are! People do not expect to be 'ganged up on', spoken down to or treated as antagonists or trolls! The majority(??) are grown-ups - this is not your classroom!


YOU are the teachers! You should be able to get your point across concisely and accurately without the needless rants that often develop.


I accept this applies only to the vast minority of teachers, but sadly these seem to be the ones that reply regularly to these threads and are therefore assumed (wrongly) by the public to be the norm.



Edit: Not sure if it's possible to have a 'vast minority' but I'm sure someone will let me know! :huh:

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Well if you can read, write and calculate you know who to thank. Everything else is just boring tabloidism.


So does this work in reverse..can you blame teachers if you can't do the above?


The blame lies with both parents and the education system, rather than individual teachers.


It is very difficult to teach a child and ensure information is retained if this is not followed through with support and encouragement at home. If the parent or parents of a child do not emphasise the value and importance of education, what hope does the child's teacher(s) have?


However, when a pupil can make it through 11 years of primary and secondary education and still be incapable of reading or writing to a basic standard, you have to wonder whether the system itself is in need of a change.

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There must have been 5 or 6 teacher bshing threads on SF since September alone. Why are they hated so much? No other profession comes in for as much abuse, unless you count chavs as professionals!
There are plenty of people on SF who hate any authority figure - teachers, Police, politicians - it's just a left-wing obsession to loathe anybody who represents 'the evil system'.
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