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Family history - Deakin family


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Hi, I am tracing my family history and am stuck with something, just wondering if anyone can help me.


I am searching for my great grandfather's parents. My great grandfather's name was Sam Deakin, born 1854 in Sheffield, trade is a grinder. I can find Sam in all the censuses from when he got married in 1872 but not before then. On his marriage certificate his father's name is down as also Sam Deakin, with a trade of spring knife cutter. The younger Sam's birth wasn't registered so I can't find out his parentage from a birth certificate. All I know is that his Dad was called Sam also but no name of his mother and I can't find him in the census before the 1881 census. There is a Sam Deakin about the right age living with a widowed mother Sarah in 1871, but if Sam's father was at his wedding in 1872 then this doesn't fit with Sarah being a widow in 1871. I can't find a senior Sam Deakin with the trade of spring knife cutter in any of the census, I have also searched parish records and still can't find anything so I don't know where to go with this.


Also, another one on the Deakin side. My Dad's Aunt - Sam's daughter, Bertha. I have all her details apart from her death. She was born in 1882 in Sheffield and she married twice, first to a Thomas Hall and then to a Charles Carter in the 1950s. She lived in Mickelbring/Braithwell area and I can't trace her death at all, I have searched under all her surnames.


If anyone could help me I would be most grateful. Thank you.

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Hi, I am tracing my family history and am stuck with something, just wondering if anyone can help me.


I am searching for my great grandfather's parents. My great grandfather's name was Sam Deakin, born 1854 in Sheffield, trade is a grinder. I can find Sam in all the censuses from when he got married in 1872 but not before then. On his marriage certificate his father's name is down as also Sam Deakin, with a trade of spring knife cutter. The younger Sam's birth wasn't registered so I can't find out his parentage from a birth certificate. All I know is that his Dad was called Sam also but no name of his mother and I can't find him in the census before the 1881 census. There is a Sam Deakin about the right age living with a widowed mother Sarah in 1871, but if Sam's father was at his wedding in 1872 then this doesn't fit with Sarah being a widow in 1871. I can't find a senior Sam Deakin with the trade of spring knife cutter in any of the census, I have also searched parish records and still can't find anything so I don't know where to go with this.


Also, another one on the Deakin side. My Dad's Aunt - Sam's daughter, Bertha. I have all her details apart from her death. She was born in 1882 in Sheffield and she married twice, first to a Thomas Hall and then to a Charles Carter in the 1950s. She lived in Mickelbring/Braithwell area and I can't trace her death at all, I have searched under all her surnames.


If anyone could help me I would be most grateful. Thank you.


Don't be put off by a census saying someone is a widow as I've just looked up a family where mother was stated as that in 1891 but daughter on marriage lived with her father in 1901! I think they sometimes used it when someone split up to save face. I will take a look and see what I can find.:)

Are you sure the father wasn't James. Person writing the certificate could have filled it in wrong. I have found this from 1871

Deakin James 55 Head Cutler Wadsley, Yorkshire Coal Pit Lane, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire West Riding RG10/4658/F? CD18 R10_4658.pdf p.133

Deakin Sarah 50 Wife Wadsley, Yorkshire Coal Pit Lane, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire West Riding RG10/4658/F? CD18 R10_4658.pdf p.133

Deakin Henry 26 Son Cutler Wadsley, Yorkshire Coal Pit Lane, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire West Riding RG10/4658/F? CD18 R10_4658.pdf p.133

Deakin John 23 Son Cutler Wadsley, Yorkshire Coal Pit Lane, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire West Riding RG10/4658/F? CD18 R10_4658.pdf p.133

Deakin Ellen 20 Daur Wadsley, Yorkshire Coal Pit Lane, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire West Riding RG10/4658/F? CD18 R10_4658.pdf p.133

Deakin James 17 Son Cutler Wadsley, Yorkshire Coal Pit Lane, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire West Riding RG10/4658/F? CD18 R10_4658.pdf p.133

Deakin Elizabeth 16 Daur Wadsley, Yorkshire Coal Pit Lane, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire West Riding RG10/4658/F? CD18 R10_4658.pdf p.133

Deakin Sam 14 Son Cutler Wadsley, Yorkshire Coal Pit Lane, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire West Riding RG10/4658/F? CD18 R10_4658.pdf p.133

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Hi Rivelin, thanks for this. I have seen this census entry before and ruled it out with the father being called James. Also the son Sam would have been born in 1857 which doesn't tally with my Sam who was born in 1854. Do you think there is a possibily it could still be the same family?

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Hi Rivelin, thanks for this. I have seen this census entry before and ruled it out with the father being called James. Also the son Sam would have been born in 1857 which doesn't tally with my Sam who was born in 1854. Do you think there is a possibily it could still be the same family?

If his birth wasn't registered then maybe. Where did you get his birth date from, other censuses? I only ask because the other family I looked at, whom I mentioned before, on one website they had a grandson down as 12 and on Ancestry as 6! Seen it so often. The other possibility is they have spelt the name wrong in some censuses. Again with this other family I've had Riley spelt Reilly Rielly and Ryley so far.

Can you give me a link to later census so I can check for any similarities.

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I think you may need to look in another area not necessarily sheffield. You need to look the Yorkshire area as I have Bertha Deakin Married to Thomas Hall in 1931 if you look at Freebmd. Which would make Bertha 31 which was quite old to be getting married for the 1st time but it was registered in Hull. I would look at areas from Hull over to Sheffield you may find your answers includind Doncaster and Rotherham as the areas you have mentioned could be either.

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Hi Rivelin, I have got Sam's birth date down by his death details. He died in 1904 aged 51,I do have his death certificate. I will post a link to a later census later when I have got into Ancestry, many thanks for your help.


Catherine, I am assuming Bertha died in the Braithwell area as thats where she lives when she married the second time, unless she did go back to Hull. I can't think why she went there from Sheffield in the first place.

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Hi Hillsbro 1 Did Sam marry in 1872 or 1882 as the BMD only have one marrying in the latter in Sheffield and what was his wife's name? If it was Averilda then the son in a later census was too old to be his wife's so suggests an earlier marriage. If it was Selina then they were married by 1881.:confused::huh:

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