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Why Should Britain be in the EU

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A lot has happened since 1975.


Back then, we traded with Europe.


Nowadays, we're controlled from Europe.


If there was a referendum tomorrow, I suspect most people would want us out.


OK but that is a matter of opinion not necessarily fact. You may be right that a referendum would swing again but most people don't know what they are talking about. I would never want a referendum to be left to the great British public, most of whom have no interest in politics and get their info from tabloids. I would only support a referendum if anyone wanting to vote had to prove they had been to night school to study the subject for a week or two. I would want people to know the facts not impressions.

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We had a referendum on EEC membership in 1975 under the Wilson led Labour government, not Heath's Conservatives as wrongly stated previously.


You're right, but this was after Heath (a Tory PM) had taken the country in without a referendum.


Labour, under Wilson, actually gave people an opportunity to vote against continued membership of what was then the EEC.


Most mainstream politicians from all parties campaigned to stay in. There were some in the Labour Government, like Tony Benn, who campaigned against continued membership.


One thing that I find funny about this issue is that during the 80s, Labour, under Foot, wanted the UK to withdraw from the EU, and they were condemned by the Tories and their friends in the press as being looney lefties. In fact Labours' stance on the EU was in large part what led to the breakaway of more rightwing Labour MPs to form the SDP - the forerunners of today's Lib Dems

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Everyone can do a little test on the subject of EU trade. Look around your house for things you have bought. Check where they were made. I'm betting over 90% came from none EU nations.


Doesn't trade work two ways? You are just thinking about imports, whereas what we export is more important in terms of jobs and growth.

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Hi everyone, just joined this forum, and was attracted by posts on EU. Have been on this issue for a very long time, and have even a number of my own articles. Anyway, here is one of my old articles on issue.


Quoting myself:


Thursday, 20 August 2009


Stealth Wars

By Phoenix One UK


On 27 April 1997, the Sunday Telegraph published an article entitled “How MI6 pushed Britain to join Europe”, by Paul Lashmar and James Oliver, which showed a secretly-funded Foreign Office unit used public money to mount a covert propaganda operation aimed at ensuring Britain joined the European Community.


On 19 September 2000, the Telegraph published an article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard regarding DECLASSIFIED US government documents that showed their intelligence service ran a campaign in 50s and 60s to build a united Europe. It was funded and directed by the European federalist movement.


The documents confirmed suspicions that the USA worked aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European Superstate. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gave instructions for a campaign to promote a fully fledged European parliament. It was signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA. [ xxxx://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/1356047/Euro-federalists-financed-by-US-spy-chiefs.html ]


A debate was started within a thread on MSN entitled BRING BACK THE ACT OF TREASON where it was shown past and present British governments committed acts of treason. Without going into detail, it is enough to note Ted Heath, before dying, admitted having committed treason, and, on 2 February 2006, Tony Blair also admitted treason within a meeting in Oxford.


In 1971, Raymond Blackburn challenged the government’s right to join the common market on the grounds that it could only do so by surrendering the UK’s sovereignty. A year later, Ross McWhirter invoked the Bill of Rights to show that the government did not have authority to give away the right and liberties of the people. Tragically, he was assassinated before the matter was decided. His brother Norris made a similar attempt to question the legality of the Maastricht Treaty in 1993. Summonses were issued against the then Foreign Secretary for treason. The Attorney General used a purported power to take over the case and then drop it as “not in the public interest”. Yet the Bill of Rights prohibits “suspending laws or the operation of laws”. His action was also contrary to natural justice because the Attorney General was sitting in judgement in his own cause.


Of relevance is Anne Palmer JP’s open letter of 19 February 2009 to Lord Onslow entitled Bill of Rights and new written Constitution where she states, “...the Declaration and Bill of Rights 1688/9 holds the Oath of Allegiance to which British Governments and the rest of us swear to the Crown. Violation of that Oath is the very essence of treason. I therefore object to any dislodging or repealing of our Common Law Constitution.”


The UK is currently at war, a stealth war, and it is being betrayed by its own government, a government with an allegiance to the European Union. The UK is on the brink of total destruction with the last line of defence being the British people. Only the people can stop what is happening, and they can do it with the one right still retained. The EU dictatorship can be stopped at the ballot box.


The second Irish referendum on Lisbon treaty is 43 days away with the government and its almost unlimited public funds already campaigning heavily for a Yes vote. No campaigners on both sides of the political divide have launched a strong counter-offensive.


According to EU rules, the Treaty must be ratified by all 27 member states with Ireland under heavy pressure from EU leadership to return a Yes vote on 2 October 2009. Political critics of Lisbon treaty have accused the EU leadership of ignoring the will of the people to force into existence a European Superstate. The EU has abused powers to fund a multi €billion propaganda campaign to mislead the people of Europe, and they are doing it using their own taxes. We are actually paying the EU to destroy our own country.


In a speech in the EU Parliament in July, Nigel Farage (UKIP) blasted the EU Parliament for "lying and cheating" its way into creating a European superstate. Farage pledged his party’s support for the Europe of Freedom and Democracy group, a non-partisan group formed to oppose the Lisbon Treaty to assist the Irish No campaigners. "The future of European democracy rests very heavily on Irish shoulders," he said.


Our government, past and present, illegally surrendered control of the UK to the EU without a mandate from the people. At no time did the British people give the government a mandate to surrender UK sovereignty to the EU. All treaties signed without a mandate from the people are illegal and not binding.


Contrary to common belief, not all wars are fought using conventional weapons. This war is very real and just as deadly for our nation. To make matters worse, the major parties have failed to represent the people who elected them.

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Hi everyone, just joined this forum, and was attracted by posts on EU. Have been on this issue for a very long time, and have even a number of my own articles. Anyway, here is one of my old articles on issue.


Quoting myself:


Thursday, 20 August 2009


Stealth Wars

By Phoenix One UK


On 27 April 1997, the Sunday Telegraph published an article entitled “How MI6 pushed Britain to join Europe”, by Paul Lashmar and James Oliver, which showed a secretly-funded Foreign Office unit used public money to mount a covert propaganda operation aimed at ensuring Britain joined the European Community.


On 19 September 2000, the Telegraph published an article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard regarding DECLASSIFIED US government documents that showed their intelligence service ran a campaign in 50s and 60s to build a united Europe. It was funded and directed by the European federalist movement.


The documents confirmed suspicions that the USA worked aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European Superstate. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gave instructions for a campaign to promote a fully fledged European parliament. It was signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA. [ xxxx://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/1356047/Euro-federalists-financed-by-US-spy-chiefs.html ]


A debate was started within a thread on MSN entitled BRING BACK THE ACT OF TREASON where it was shown past and present British governments committed acts of treason. Without going into detail, it is enough to note Ted Heath, before dying, admitted having committed treason, and, on 2 February 2006, Tony Blair also admitted treason within a meeting in Oxford.


In 1971, Raymond Blackburn challenged the government’s right to join the common market on the grounds that it could only do so by surrendering the UK’s sovereignty. A year later, Ross McWhirter invoked the Bill of Rights to show that the government did not have authority to give away the right and liberties of the people. Tragically, he was assassinated before the matter was decided. His brother Norris made a similar attempt to question the legality of the Maastricht Treaty in 1993. Summonses were issued against the then Foreign Secretary for treason. The Attorney General used a purported power to take over the case and then drop it as “not in the public interest”. Yet the Bill of Rights prohibits “suspending laws or the operation of laws”. His action was also contrary to natural justice because the Attorney General was sitting in judgement in his own cause.


Of relevance is Anne Palmer JP’s open letter of 19 February 2009 to Lord Onslow entitled Bill of Rights and new written Constitution where she states, “...the Declaration and Bill of Rights 1688/9 holds the Oath of Allegiance to which British Governments and the rest of us swear to the Crown. Violation of that Oath is the very essence of treason. I therefore object to any dislodging or repealing of our Common Law Constitution.”


The UK is currently at war, a stealth war, and it is being betrayed by its own government, a government with an allegiance to the European Union. The UK is on the brink of total destruction with the last line of defence being the British people. Only the people can stop what is happening, and they can do it with the one right still retained. The EU dictatorship can be stopped at the ballot box.


The second Irish referendum on Lisbon treaty is 43 days away with the government and its almost unlimited public funds already campaigning heavily for a Yes vote. No campaigners on both sides of the political divide have launched a strong counter-offensive.


According to EU rules, the Treaty must be ratified by all 27 member states with Ireland under heavy pressure from EU leadership to return a Yes vote on 2 October 2009. Political critics of Lisbon treaty have accused the EU leadership of ignoring the will of the people to force into existence a European Superstate. The EU has abused powers to fund a multi €billion propaganda campaign to mislead the people of Europe, and they are doing it using their own taxes. We are actually paying the EU to destroy our own country.


In a speech in the EU Parliament in July, Nigel Farage (UKIP) blasted the EU Parliament for "lying and cheating" its way into creating a European superstate. Farage pledged his party’s support for the Europe of Freedom and Democracy group, a non-partisan group formed to oppose the Lisbon Treaty to assist the Irish No campaigners. "The future of European democracy rests very heavily on Irish shoulders," he said.


Our government, past and present, illegally surrendered control of the UK to the EU without a mandate from the people. At no time did the British people give the government a mandate to surrender UK sovereignty to the EU. All treaties signed without a mandate from the people are illegal and not binding.


Contrary to common belief, not all wars are fought using conventional weapons. This war is very real and just as deadly for our nation. To make matters worse, the major parties have failed to represent the people who elected them.


I'm sorry, but you are far too clever for this forum. You need to sign up for ConspiraciesRUs.com. :loopy:

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