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Any one remember the odd fellows pub


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I remember going in the Oddfellows in the 1960s; my grandad lived not far away on Norfolk Road. The pub can be seen on the left of this photo and another photo apparently shows the back of it. It must have been an old pub - it turns up in the 1861 and 1871 census returns with "Frederic Rotherham" as licensee.

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i remember it well my dad lived in there always went on christmas eve when all the steel workers got they christmas bonus and i got my pockets lined with money from the ****** up workers lol


hiya my father in law,and mother in law stan and evelyn millward went in there it was their local along with the conservative club in duke street, one or two i still remember were ernest till, his wife, and mrs marples, harry hodges as well, i went in a few times with the in laws, also stans brother joe and his wife flo, they lived two or three doors on from the oddfellows on talbot street , i remember once going in the oddies and going to the serving hatch in the best room i looked down to see what i was standing on it was a roll of notes when i asked the landlady if anybody had lost anything to see me i went to the back and when i got back she said that this costomer had lost something, when he said it was fifty pounds he was taking to the bank for his son, i was the only one to have counted it, it didn't please my f-i-l when he didnt even buy me a drink. my father in law knew him well and called him all the tight b,,,,,,,,,,s under the sun. i never went in the pub across the road on talbot street the black horse, which was stans grand fathers pub and stans dad was the local bookie all this before my time.

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