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I'm going to try something new every week


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I did an 8 week long mushroom identification course with Patrick Harding and he is fantastic.


I've since foraged for and eaten my own mushrooms. I'm careful only to go for ones I'm absolutely sure of (for obvious reasons) and also ones that make good eating (there are loads that are "edible" but not worth eating - think soggy cardboard or slime).


I also pick the occasional plants. Wood sorrel is easy to identify and has a nice apple peel flavour then there's ransoms obviously and cleavers and sweet Cecily is wonderful - like Pernod!

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Has any body tried cooking with wild or foraged food? Personally I wouldn't know where to start but I reckon that would spice up the menu. Does anybody know about a Sheffield based foraging course?


At the moment it is a plenty of wild mushrooms in the local forest. They are lovely. You only should know how to separate edible and poison mushrooms. I hope, that I know all local spices, except Polypores.

When I do some veg soups, I always add young Alchemilla leaves.

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The partridge was very good, and very easy to cook with the right pan. Browned on the hob in a cast iron frying pan then transferred to the oven for a final 10 minutes.


Has to be eaten with fingers though to cope with the little bones and odd bits of shot!

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