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Should fertility treatment be free on the NHS?

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Not neccasarily my freind mentiond in the above posts partner has 3 children to his ex partner but my friend has non of her own should she be denied the chance of her own baby? .


They havent denied her the right to try, they have told her she will have to self fund! Totally different. Also trying ivf whether it be free or self funded doesnt 'give you the right' it gives you a chance!!!!

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No, people should have to pay for it.


Anybody enquiring about IVF should be given a leaflet about fostering.


We have massive shortage of foster carers.


Fostering is a totally different thing! If someone is emotionally desperate for their own child that they are willing to go through a painful and emotionally scaring procedure as ivf then there is no way that most of those people havr the emotional stability to be a foster carer! Being a foster carer requires a great deal of stability both physically and emotionally, foster children need strength of character and strentgh of environmeny to help support them! This is not something that a couple crying out for a baby of their own can provide (maybe after a while of unsuccessful ivf and counselling they may be able to consider it-but certainly not on asking for ivf should they be handed a foster leaflet)

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its not a necessity, you can have kids or not have kids, its a "lifestyle" choice.

its not like its a health matter or even a matter of life or death


The word i would ask you to look at there is 'choice' not everyone has that 'choice' thats what this thread is about!

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No way, having children is not your god given right especially at the expense of other peoples treatments that could save or prolong their lives such as dementia or cancer drugs.


I direct this at you and MELLTHEBELL (cant double quote on my phone)........your failing to realise that MANY people who cant conceive is because of a health reason! Its no good being ignorant to this and saying 'you dont have a godgiven right to have a child' when the reason someone cant conceive naturally is not because they have left it too late but because they have pcos is it!!!! Becoming pregnant can actually rectify pcos! So should pco sufferers have free ivf? Personally to me, yes, but then again i know enough about infertility, nhs funding, self funding etc.... To be able to make educated replies.

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IVF should be free on the NHS, I know that it is but as someone else said it is very resticted and there is a lot of red tape to get through.

For you that are posting saying it shouldn't be free, I would ask you to try and understand the overwelming desire these women and men have when they can't concieve naturally, it's a frustrating and heartbreaking time for them, and suggestions such as adopting and fostering is silly, we don't put this too other couples so why to these?

Most of these people going through IVF are late 30's-40's, so they have paid into this system for a number of years, and should be able to get this help free.

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We enter a whole new debate when we start on what the money 'could' be used elsewhere don't we?

Who are you to say it's not everybodies god given right to have children!

What about the alcoholics that cost the NHS, with the effetcs of drinking, the smokers who have treatment because of their own doing? Should we stop funding for them too?

Te NHS is not there to judge but to help those in need.

Most of the patients will have paid in all their working lives, why not get something out of it.

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We enter a whole new debate when we start on what the money 'could' be used elsewhere don't we?

Who are you to say it's not everybodies god given right to have children!

What about the alcoholics that cost the NHS, with the effetcs of drinking, the smokers who have treatment because of their own doing? Should we stop funding for them too?

Te NHS is not there to judge but to help those in need.

Most of the patients will have paid in all their working lives, why not get something out of it.


Yep that's all very well but the NHS doesn't have a bottomless pit of money..some decisions have to be made..which treatments would you like to cut to support IVF for anyone that wants it...not a dig at you but a genuine question as to where you think funds would be best spent..

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Do you not think of that as completley selfish? "Mummy why do all my freinds have a daddy and i dont?" "well son i didnt want a man in my life so you have to do without too and if i die tommorow TUFF!" seriousley luv think about how idiotic that is. At least if a family split up the child still see's the dad and has his dads family.


Better than... ''Why haven't I got any parents, when everybody else has''


''Oh, because nobody wants to adopt, they all want to try IVF''

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Better than... ''Why haven't I got any parents, when everybody else has''


''Oh, because nobody wants to adopt, they all want to try IVF''


I suggest you read a knowledgable previous post i made where someone threw this type of comment in! Its ridiculous! You CANNOT imply people shouldnt have ivf when they can adopt! Its not practical nor is 'everyone' eligible to adopt!!! Like i said perhaps someone tried to adopt, was refused, tried ivf, it was either sucessful or not, then they tried applying for adoption again!

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I suggest you read a knowledgable previous post i made where someone threw this type of comment in! Its ridiculous! You CANNOT imply people shouldnt have ivf when they can adopt! Its not practical nor is 'everyone' eligible to adopt!!! Like i said perhaps someone tried to adopt, was refused, tried ivf, it was either sucessful or not, then they tried applying for adoption again!


So? That's maybe in a few cases, it doesn't stop the other thousands of people from adopting or even long term fostering. I may not be able to have children, and I shall try adopting or fostering in the first cases. I think it's selfish that so many people don't even see it as an option...


You have your views, I have mine :)

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